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Sunday Jan. 8. 1882. Went over to the Century after breakfast and wrote to Lucy. Fitch and I walked down to the studio where I dressed and went back to dinner at Marys. Booth had arrived in his private car from Scranton and dined with us and spent the most of the afternoon, when he went up to Benedicts. I went out to tea at Pinchots. Miss Allen was there, a very pretty little lady, sister to one I met there two years ago. Spent the evening very pleasantly and came home in the rain. Rainy close weather and no winter so far. Found at my rooms the papers for my patent.

Monday 9. Painted all day and advanced my picture and wrote to Miss Teale to come and see it. Went to the Council meeting in the evening. Downing and I went before a notary and executed the papers for my patent. Afterward I went round to see Mr. Dunlap and took the braid along but he said I have not more than half enough.

Tuesday 10. Sent the money to Girard to pay our taxes. This makes a hole in my resources. Have about finished Miss Teales picture. Whittredge came in and to my surprise staid nearly an hour. He seemed in a genial mood and we had an old time talk. He seemed to like my picture.

Wednesday 11 Rainy. Snowed last night and today the clouds are in a fearful condition. Went down to Fulton St. and bought some cotton duck, got some paint from the painters and sketched and painted a canvas for my Academy picture. Went to  Pinchots to dinner. Mrs.  Gifford was there, Whittredge, Collins, Mr. Allen.

Thursday 12. Miss Teale and her friend called. These interviews are rather amusing and somewhat embarrassing and trying to paint a picture to suit the ideas of two sentimental people whose conceptions of a picture are very vague is difficult. She however left a note in pencil to tell me to finish the picture, that she liked it and would take it. Emma Brace and Julia visited my studio. Attended a trustees meeting at the Century. Marbay at the supper table was in his talking mood and told some interesting reminiscences of Hicks the head of the sect of Hicksite Quakers. Began my Academy picture on my new canvas which I think I will like.

Friday 13. Major Wilkinson called. We had a long talk about Giffords will and about some things which we seemed to see in the same light. He asked me to come to Pokeepsie on Sunday as Mary was much better.

Saturday 14. There was a frightful accident on the Hudson River R.R. last night near Spuytendevil the train being run into from the rear and eight or ten passengers killed and