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winter day, the house was very pleasant and everything went off in the happiest manner. Afterwards Sara and I drove to Kingston and I made my party call at the Forsythes. In the evening we went down to John McEntees. My mother is not well and we are troubled about her. She looks pale and is quite feeble.

Thursday 9. My father and mother, Gussie, Mrs. Davis little Charley and I with Jamie to drive started off for a sleigh ride up the Flatbush road. The snow was very deep and in turning to pass a load of hay the sleigh upset, pitching us all out when the horses got away from us and ran a mile with the sleigh on edge. They were stopped beyond old Mr. Olivets place with no injury beyond a broken dash board and some bruises on the legs of "Billy" who struck the ((?)) at every jump. Just before we got home it began to rain. Came down with the 6 P.M. train. Sat in the seat with DeWitt Rossa. Met Lily Wilkinson in the car. Arrived here it was raining hard and the streets in the worst possible condition with the melting snow. At home I looked into some of the bureau drawers where I keep darling Gertrudes things and it nearly broke my heart to see these belongings of hers and know afresh that she was gone. With what a dreadful pang it still comes over me whenever I suffer myself to look at these little trifles which were once and are still so entirely a part of her sweet personality. I find myself less willing to sadden myself with these reminders of her but once in a while I find it my only satisfaction to look them over and to consecrate them afresh with my tears.

Friday 10. Painted my Humboldt Valley over. It does not please me. A call from two well dressed ladies, one of them a Mrs. Hubbard. Wanted to buy a picture. Their chief demand was that it should look "Frenchy". I advised them to get a French picture, but if they wanted an American landscape, not to get one that looked like a French one. I dont think they knew what they did want. I was polite but knew my pictures would not come up to the conditions. Went to hear Millet lecture on antique costumes at the Academy. Very instructive and interesting. The lecture room was filled. Mary went to Rondout today for a visit.

Saturday 11. Painted on my Humboldt picture but it does not suit me. Mr. Dole and Miss Halliwell called. Attended a special meeting of the Century trustees to hear a report of the committee on moving uptown. Lots in 40th St. were favorably considered but were found to be encumbered with restrictions which made it impossible to consider them and the committee was instructed to imagine as to the possibility of getting the conditions removed. It does not look to me as though we would move very soon.

Sunday 12. Jamie and Gertrude Tomkins came down yesterday. Calvert, Jamie and I took a walk downtown to see the Brooklyn bridge. It has advanced considerably since I saw it last. The flat beams are nearly all laid and it looks as though it might soon be completed. We came back through Wall St. to see some of the new buildings. Came over to my studio with

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-21 16:50:58