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Thursday March 2. 1882. A beautiful spring day so warm I was obliged to put on thin under clothing. Am idle unable to begin any thing new and consequently discontented. Mrs. Gray called. In the evening attended a meeting of the Century trustees to further report on the up town monument. There seems little probability we will be able to leave our present club house. Afterwards went to a party at Mr. Moores and from there to the club again where I saw Eastman for the first time in a long while. 

Friday 3. Attended the artists dinner at an Italian Restaurant in 10" St Nothing to recommend it except the good company. Afterwards we all went to the club. A card was sent me to an artists reception at Verderbilts new house. I will not go. When he was having the catalogue of his collection printed under Averys supervision the latter went to Putnams and ordered all the American pictures to be left out. This whole affair seems to be managed by Avery.

Saturday 4. Our reception today was attended by a crowd of people who seemed to enjoy the occasion. I met many old friends and made some pleasant acquaintances and on the whole rather enjoyed what I had been dreading not a little. Dined at Platts to meet Mrs. Putnam, Ruth and Rosalie Goodman and afterwards went to the monthly meeting of the Century. There were memorial exercises for Dr. Bellows and Drs Collyer and Porter spoke. Dr. Porters remarks were particularly good. The report of the trustees on moving up town was not discussed and is again back in their hands. 

Sunday 5. Breakfasted in my room and went home by the Wallkill Valley road reaching there at 2' oclock. Jamie and Sedgwick met me at the train Lucy and Sedgwick having arrived from Fort Halleck yesterday morning. My mother had improved considerably since last week. Julia Vaux who went up yesterday is ill and Sara is afraid she is going to be seriously ill.
Monday 6. Came down by the early train hoping some one of the Saturday visitors who said they would like to come in again, might come, but it has rained and no one has been. I feel very discouraged and unhappy and in the midst of my despondency a bill came in which I could not pay. How I do dread this condition. It grows more and more difficult to bear. Tuesday 7. I began a picture using the sky with the blue horizon which I have painted several times. I have not much heart for work and am as anxious and harassed as it is possible to be. [[strikethrough]] Bowyer and Downing invited me [[/strikethrough]]

Wednesday 8. Bowyer lunched with me and in the evening he and Downing invited me to go to the Theatre to see Samuel of Posen, a foolish piece in which the principal character alone has the least interest. Julia Dillon called. Vanderbilts reception occurred today. I did not go. I can't stand the contempt of the rich men for our own art. All the artists went. I wish they had not. Mrs. Gifford sent me a long communication last night