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have a bad cold with a most irritating cough and sore throat and Sara is giving me medicine for it. The weather was pleasant until toward night when it grew colder. 

Monday 10 April 1882. It snowed in the night and was as cold as winter. My throat was very sore and today I was inclined not to come down but the medicine Sara gave me has helped me and so I came down by the noon train. I had a quieter and more restful feeling at home than I feared I should and tried to forget troubles for my mothers sake who is distressed when I am in trouble. It was snowing when I arrived in town. I found a statement from the New Orleans Art Museum sending me $135 as the proceeds of my picture "Shades of Autumn" 20 x 24 sent there and for which I think my price was $450 but certainly not less than $350. Unfortunately I did not keep a note of the price. I went up to Rissners who has the money to pay for the pictures sold and tried to find out how this occurred but could not. I declined to receive the $135 and came back to my room and wrote to Mr. Day the chairman that there was an error and unless it had been committed by me I should not accept this amount but would compromise by taking $300 or they might return the picture. I wrote a polite note because I believe there has been a mistake somewhere. Found a note from Mrs. Eastman Johnson inviting me up there tonight to meet a few friends informally but my cold is getting better so I thought it not wise to go nor did I go to the council meeting but staid over at Marys until 10 when I came to my room. 

Tuesday 11. Cold as winter. I was to go up to Dobbs Ferry to spend the day by invitation of Emma Brace if it were a pleasant day but it was so cold and windy I was sure she would not expect me and sent her a note telling her I would not come. Changing my large picture which I do not like but do not seem to get any thing to please me. I have nearly finished a picture 20 x 24. My cough troubles me yet. I spent the evening at Marys not caring to go out any where. I am too unhappy to go out.

Wednesday 12. Still very cold. Painted all day on my larger picture and feel encouraged about it. I am working as hard as I can and trying to keep off unhappiness by keeping busy. Vanderliss came in. I showed him his little picture and he liked it. Calvert and I went to the club. I read in a life of Sidney

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