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Thursday 20 April 1882 Awoke with a feeling of intense depression and despair. After breakfast answered some notes among them the New Orleans letter of which I kept a copy. Painted a picture of Katahdin 14 x 26 from one of my last falls sketches. I want to make a delicate, pearly effect of color. Went in the evening with Mary, Gussie, Lucy, Mrs Taylor and Lily to Booths private box to see him in The Fool's revenge." The house was crowded but not as demonstrative as in Richelieu. Mrs Taylor, Lily and I went into his dressing room to see him

Friday 21. Painted all forenoon and in the afternoon went to Barnums show with Mary, Gussie, Lucy, Marion, Lily Taylor & Julia Dillon. As cold as winter again. I am in the depths. I think I never before felt so discouraged for my father and mother are both sick and I am in an agony of anxiety to know how we are to meet our necessary expenses the coming summer.

Saturday 22. Painted on my Mt. Katahdin all forenoon but had to rub it all off. Mr. Bachelder and Mr. Loomis called. Mr. B thought my picture in the Academy too purple. I have a little of that feeling myself. Lucy and I went home by 4 oclock train Found my father still ill. It seemed sad and anxious at home.

Sunday 23. Maurice left this morning to report at Newport tomorrow on the Transcontinental survey. He left without saying good bye to any one. I suppose he felt badly at leaving not knowing what may occur before he returns. I hope he will do his duty. It was cold and windy all day.

Monday 24 Remained at home all day to see if my father would not be better in the afternoon. He was and I came away in the 5 40 train feeling sad and troubled. Went to the club a little while. Sent Miss Nesmith two tickets to see Booth in Richelieu [[strikethrough]] tom [[/strikethrough]] Wednesday night. I cant go as I am to dine with Mr. Braeme at the Union League.

Tuesday 25. Painted on my Katahdin Bowyer and Downing came in and Bowyer gave me his note for $1400 to be given to Booth. Mrs. Ely [[?]] from Milwaukee called and I promised to send her my Autumn in Vermont for the exhibition and perhaps a small picture. Spent the evening at Marys too utterly wretched to go any where.

Wednesday 26. A cold rainy day. Painted another smaller Katahdin as an experiment making it a little stronger but do not like it so well. Went up to see Whittredge but he was not in. He came in in the afternoon and I told him I was in great anxiety about money and asked him, as he had volunteered