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a mistake about the postal order and he was in a great state of anxiety but they telegraphed him it would come the next day. Went home by the 4 o'clock train. Jamie who had come home from school to spend Sunday, and Sedgwick met me at the
ferry. Found my father much better and my mother improving.

Sunday Apl 30" 1882. Staid at home all day. The weather is not very warm and the cherry blossoms are not yet out. It seems very quiet at home. We miss Maurice and are not sorry to be rid of his constant scolding. I wrote to Mrs. Bayard Taylor and gave Lucy dear Gertrudes mauve muslin dress in which she sang at the Rondout choral womens Concert. It costs me a pang to get rid of these beloved things but I have thought it over carefully and think it best. It is restful to be at home. I wish I had my affairs all settled and were here to remain now.

Monday May 1. 1882.
I thought I would have my room cleaned today but this weather is still so cool concluded to wait. Sara came home by 11 oclock train and I came away reluctantly by the 6' oclock train. My trip home has been a mental rest. Went to Marys and staid until after ten.

Tuesday 2 Awoke with a head ache. Towards noon was obliged to go out and get half a bottle of champagne which I drank and was thus able to keep about all day although I could do no work. Went up to the Brunswick to see Booth but as he was just going to his dentist only spent a few minutes with him. Miller his agent had just come in to tell him he had secured the Adelphi Theatre in London so that he will act there first. Went over to Richards. He advised returning my picture and taking another. Did not seem to think there was much chance of selling. At dinner received a telegram from Booth telling me he would be alone all evening and asking me to come up which I did. I gave him Bowyers note for $1400 for the money he got of him payable in 2 years the interest at 6 pct to be paid annually. I told him Downing advised returning to him the balance of the 5000. He wanted me to keep it to use to exhibit my pictures but I told him that would not succeed. He was very kind and urged this on me saying he did not want to use it. I told him I would keep a thousand dollars but if I sold one of my pictures as I hoped to I would return it. I could see he felt my prospects were pretty discouraging but he was very kind. I staid until 11 oclock when Downing and Edwina came home from the Music festival when we had some oysters and  

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