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Monday May 10" 1882. Went down to the foot of Houston St to see George Hall sail but learned the vessel would not go until tomorrow. Annual meeting of the Academy. All passed off harmoniously. I retired from the Council in accordance with the Constitution but to my great regret Perry was put on. I am astonished after all he did to plunge the Academy into debt and then went off to California for years that now we have put the institution out of debt and have a comfortable surplus that members should put him back there. Five Academicians were elected and three associates. The dinner was very excellent and elegantly served by Pinard. I left about 10 and went to bed early as I did not sleep well last night.

Thursday 11. Went down to [[Mengers?]] to make arrangements for him to get my pictures for Louisville. Mr. Maginness from there was at my studio yesterday and I told him I thought I would send my Humboldt picture and a smaller one. From there I rode up to Dunlaps factory to see about the birch bark hat. I had a note from him two days ago, after I had called there last week finding he had gone West. He was not there but at the 5" Av. store where I found him. He has made the two hats but thinks they are not successful. Thinks there is an inherent difficulty in the material but I am to go to the factory on Saturday and we are to talk about it. I painted a little and worried a great deal over every thing and have made up my mind to go home for good next week after the pictures come from the Academy and I get them all arranged to send out. I am going to send two to Milwaukee, three I think, to Chicago, two to Louisville and two to Portland. The wind has blown a gale all day. I built a fire and my room was filled with smoke which blew down the chimney. In the evening Mary and I called on Gussie and Laura at the hotel B[[?]]. Joe had gone up to his fathers. Laura did not look well but Gussie seems to be improving. It rained when we came home.

Friday 12. Slept well last night but awoke with a despairing feeling. It was raining and blowing a gale from the N. E. when I went over to breakfast. Downing returned from Newport with Booth and Edwina where they have been to arrange to build Booths home. He saw Maurice who told him the party was to come on to N.Y. Saturday on their way West. Saw Pumpully who is going to write to me and expects me to go with him. Began to collect and pack my things preparatory to leaving for the summer some time next week. I built a fire but the smoke all blew down into my room and