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Diary of a trip to Montana and the Rocky
Mountains with Prof. R. Pumpelly.

Monday May 29. 1882. Let home by evening train to join Prof Pumpelly in Chicago.

Tuesday 30. At Detroit 4 hours, came by Canada Southern from Buffalo. Left for Chicago.

Monday 31. Arrived at Chicago. Met Prof. at the Palmer House. Left in the afternoon for Milwaukee to visit Jake Sharpe at the Soldier's home of which he is governor. Staid there until 3 P.M.

Thursday June 1. when I left for St. Paul whither the Prof. had gone.

Friday 2. Arrived at St. Paul 7 A.M. met the Prof. Left at 7.15 P.M. in his private car for Bismarck and the west.

Saturday 3. Cold. Arrived at Bismarck on the Missouri in the afternoon. Our car was left at Bly's  mine beyond Mandan.

Sunday 4. Some men who had killed an antelope sent us a steak for breakfast. Left for Little Missouri 12.30. At Dickinson talked with an old buffalo hunter. He said to me in answer to some inquiries about them "Now the Buffalo is an animal that dont wish to be annoyed by citizens." A man in a party of engineers was drowned here today but it seems to excite little comment. Three young antelopes in boxes, one only a few days old. Arrived at Little Missouri in the night, where our car was left.

Monday 5. All day at Little Missouri. Examined coal veins with Prof. Warm day. A military post here which we visited. Major [[Coruba?]] in command. Lieut Robinson Q.M. one company 7" Infantry

Tuesday 5. Left Little Missouri in the morning. At Terry a great train of wagons loaded with Buffalo hides. Wrote to Sara. Arrived at Miles City on the Yellowstone present end of track. M. Willis son of N. P. Willis with whom Maurice is to be met us here with his brother=in law Grinnell.