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Wednesday June 21. Fine morning but cold wind. Picturesque views of mountains. Took to our saddle horses at Radersburg, Prof Willis and I. Staid at Bedford. Good little inn. Mining town.

Thursday 22 Fine morning. Left on horseback The Prof. "Jog trot" will be the death of us. Arrived at Helena at 6.30. very tired. Surprised to find so large and enterprising a town. A telegram from Eldridge which troubles me. Grading the Northern Pacific near here.

Friday 23. Walk up the canon with Willis & Grinnell. Lost my drinking cup. Main part of the town built in the Gulch from which I am told 20 millions in gold have been taken. A man shot in front of the hotel this evening.

Saturday 24. Went out to Mullers Tunnel where the Rail road crosses the Rockies with Mr Stone & Mr Child the latter manager of some gold mines. Made two pencil sketches Scenery too complicated. Does not interest me pictorially. Engineers at Tunnel Tucker Bailey, Walker. Young from Brooklyn clerk

Sunday 25. Long scramble over mountains. 

Monday 26. Wrote to Mary from Tunnel. Rode in Helena by stage. Prof & Willis went this morning. Engaged as guide & packer William Logan a son of Capt Logan of 7" U.S. Infantry killed by Indians

Tuesday 27 Left Helena with pack horse and rode to Canon of the Prickly Pear. Prof. Logan, Lewis, Grinnell, myself and Johnson the packer. Rained in the night

Wednesday 28. Camped at Rock Creek. Plenty of mosquitoes

Thursday 29 Caught trout in Dearborn River. Hired team to take packs to Blackfoot Pass, also a German, Snyder for guide and hunter Camped on Flat Creek. Logan rode to Sun river ford to see if we could cross

Friday 30 Rode to Fort Shaw. Letter from Eldridge about some paper to sign. Col Moale stationed here. A long hot ride. Fine snow mts in sight all day.