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hill overlooking an awful amphitheatre and in view of the summit. The pass a thousand feet above us. No feed for the horses. Cut down trees to protect the camp from the wind

Monday July 10. Prof and Logan went over the high divide to look for the trail and found beyond vast fields of ice and snow beyond which it was impossible to go. Decided to return and at 3.30 left this inhospitable place for the plain

Tuesday 11. Camped down in the canon. This morning came along the foot of the mountains on an old trail to the [[Tree Medicine?]] when we camped after having 12 hours in the saddle. Very fatigued.

Wednesday 12 Left at 9 and rode to the Badger where we camped at 2. I caught some fine trout. Logan went to the Agency to get a guide

Thursday 13. Logan and two Indians returned. Logan, Prof. and "Pigeon" went to explore Badger pass. Returned at night having disabled one horse. Logan and Will Grinnell rode to the Agency to buy a wagon and harness

Friday 14. My birth day. Left with Frank Munro to leave the packs. Rained hard. Most miserable day. Staid at Grants, a half breed on Depouie Creek, last house on the frontier Funny mixture of civilized and savage life. Dogs Indians &c. Met Will and Logan there with a spring wagon

Saturday 15" Rode to Teton 32 miles and camped where we did before

Sunday 16. Will Grinnell left us by stage for Helena and Washington Ter. Johnnie left us with the pack train for Bozeman. We four went on in the wagon with 4 horses for Fort Benton Passed deserted ranch on Teton where a man and woman were murdered and the house burned a year ago. Camped near sheep ranch. Killed a rattle snake near Teton.