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Monday 17 Left camp at 7 1/4. Very hot. At lunch found service berries & goose berries. A nice bath in the river. Camped 16 miles from Ft. Benton on Teton.

Tuesday 18. Left 6. A.M. Arrived at Fort Benton at 8.30. Met Capt. McAdam 2" Cavalry from Ft. McGinniss. Solid men of the town met us in the evening on rail road matters 2 steamers arrived from Bismarck 1000 miles from here. Weather very hot 

Wednesday 19 sick with head ache. Prof and Logan next on to see some coal prospects and left us to follow with the team. Very hot. Wrote to Sara. Capt. Huggins 3"? Cavalry Maj. Blaine Pay master were at the hotel Chateau

Thursday 20  Left Fort Benton at 4 A.M. Arrived ferry and and drive to Highwood Creek 40 miles where we camped at 8.  I caught some fine trout where we breakfasted.  Remained here until 5 P.M. when we drove to Sand Coulie [[Coulee]] where we made a day camp having become belated by a bad axle. Wrote to Mrs. Weir from Highwood Creek.

Friday 21  Left camp at 4 and drive to the Falls of the Missouri where we were to meet Prof & Logan Caine. Did not go to the Great Falls. Poor place to camp. Hot and difficult to get to the water.
Killed a rattlesnake. Left at 1 for Kassners on Belt Creek. Coal vein here. Rained before we reached here. McCabe who drove us from Benton was at Rome when I was there in 1868 in the Papal Zouaves and was in Tivoli while we were there. Kassner a fine looking man took a colored woman for his wife. 

Saturday 22- Left at 7 for the Judith Basin. Stopped for noon where there was very little water.  Camped at Maddens Gulch. They had a skull with an arrow head sticking in it. Killed a rattle snake on rocky ridge.  McCabe returned to Fort Benton this morning with the team Prof 

Transcription Notes:
Papal Zouaves - French army infantry regiment