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and Logan had.

Sunday 23. Left at 6. Prof. went with Madden to look at a coal vein and joined us in a short time. Stopped for now at Robely and Baileys ranch, Wolf Creek. Hospitable young fellows. Staid until 4 and drove to Utica on the Judith. Rain and high wind at night.

Monday 24. Prof got bucked setting out to see a coal vein. Very funny to the looker on. Around the divide at Oka where we nooned Camped at Hopleys Hole

Tuesday 25 Left at 5.45 and arrived at Martinsdale at 9. Wind blew agale and was cold as winter. Had wagon repaired. Shower before we left this morning. At Martindale Prof left for Bozeman across the Mts. with a guide Logan (not our Logan) so drunk he could hardly stay on his horse. We left at 6 30 and camped 15 miles down the river, the Mussle shell.

Wednesday 26 Frost this morning but promises to be a hot day. Off at 7. Stopped for noon at Ballards ranch. Camped three miles short of the Sweet Grass. Saw great many antelopes today.

Thurday 27 Left 7.45. Wheel in bad order. Drove to the Yellowstone at Big Timber. Wrote to Prof. Fine trout fishing in the Yellowstone on the shore of which we are encamped.  

Friday 28. Caught some fine trout. Made two pencil sketches

Saturday 29. Wrote to Maurice and sent him my canvass overalls by mail. Fishing not good today. Prof. returned about midnight bringing a letter from Maurice and one from Sara.

Sunday 30. Left at 7.10 on our way down the Yellowstone. Hot and dusty. Moored at White Beach. Poor water. Camped on the Yellowstone at Stillwater in a pleasant camp

Monday 31 Left at 5.30 Clouds of dust and great heat. Moored on the Yellowstone. A bath. Left in a gale and a cloud of dust for Colson. Camped on Yellowstone. A wild town. Men and women bathing together

Tuesday Aug 1. Left at 6.30 drove down to the end of the track at Pryors creek crossing this