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Yellowstone at Huntley. camped on the bank of the Yellowstone for noon. Made arrangements to leave team and outfit at a ranch Took train for Pompeys pillar where we camped on the open prairie. Plenty of musquitoes.

Wednesday Aug. 2. Left Pompeys pillar by train at 10.30 after long delays. Fight in the dining room at Forsyth. Very bad day. Met our car which we had telegraphed for, at Rosebud, and came on to Glendive

Thursday 3. Left Glendive at 7. Went to Little Missouri and staid until 10.30. P.M. Dined with Maj. Coruba and his wife who is a sister of Logan. Drove out to the "burning mountain" in the "Bad lands"

Friday 4 Booming along past Bismarck and Fargo 

Saturday 5. Arrived at St. Paul 8. AM. Prof. went to Madison with Mr. Holden and I to Duluth to take boat on Lake Superior leaving the car on arrival of Mr. Canby

Sunday 6 Arrived in Duluth 6 A.M. Breakfast at Hotel. Went on board steamer "City of Owen Sound" at 10 but did not sail until 4. So far by management have a state room to myself. Crowd of passengers and promises to be not very comfortable

Monday 7. Stopped at Prince Arthurs Landing the starting point at present of the Canadian Pacific rail road. Went up with the [[?]] At Silver Islet where we touched for a few minutes saw Julius Gifford. A catholic clergyman a young man came on board at P.A. Landing and I was obliged to share my state room with him.

Tuesday 8. Fog and wind. Rained part of the tine. Arrived at the Salt Ste Marie at 8 and after passing the canal laid up for the night on the Canada shore. Several passengers came on board and the boat is crowded.

Wednesday 9. Left at daylight. Rain and high wind all day and gale at night. At daylight ran into Tober Morey [[tractor?]] and staid all.