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her maiden name and which she had when we were married. Nothing is so satisfactory to me as to come to my room and think of her and recall her sweet and winning manner. I was reading today in James Notes on England. On the title page is her name as presented to me. That remains and she is gone. That always seems so strange to me.

Monday May 29" 1882. My summons came from Mr. Pumpelly at noon today in the form of a telegram telling me to meet him at the Palmer house Chicago Wednesday. I answered I would. Have been packing since and am all ready. I feel a little sad at going away as I always do but I hope that will soon pass away. It seems lonely here today and will seem still more so to those at home after I am gone.

Thursday August 17. 1882. Arrived home from my western trip at noon today having been absent since May 29. Found Mrs. Belden neƩ Rachel Carle here. No one home except my father and mother and Sara, Lucy and Andrews and their two boys having gone to Wilmington. Spent the afternoon unpacking and putting away my things. It is pleasant to be at home again but I miss my dear Gertrude with a fresh sense of the loss of her sweet companionship.

Friday 18. Went down town and had my hair cut and mailed a lot of vouchers to Prof. Pumpelly at Newport. Rachel Carle left today by day boat. I gave her a little picture of a place in Sandy Stream in the Maine Woods. Wrote to Gussie and went over to the cemetery. The flowers I planted have done very nicely Sara says, and the Sweet Briar has grown. John McEntee came to tea and spent the evening.  

Saturday 19. Putting away my painting materials over at my studio. My place looks neat and tidy notwithstanding the drought Henry keeps it in good order. In sending my sketching box and materials home from Montana one joint of my umbrella staff and the seat of my camp stool were lost. Went down town this afternoon to see about repairs. Wrote to Alice. It has been a cool lovely day and dear Gertrude has been in my thought all day. It seems quiet here and would be almost lonely if I were not busy.

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-21 18:00:11