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Sunday Aug 20" 1882. Another cool beautiful day. I have been writing letters much of the day to Mrs. Weir Alice, Downing, Mr. De Forest, Eastman Johnson, Mrs Johnson, Maurice and Lucy. Sade and I went over to Girards after tea and down to John McEntee's to see Nannie who came home last night from High Falls.

Monday 21. The weather still delightful. I wrote to Mr. Day in New Orleans urging him to settle with me for my picture. Wrote to Mr. Miller of Denver and to Mrs Hewitt of Milwaukee. Have busied myself in various matters and went down town to the Post office about 4 o clock. Justin Dillon from High Falls called and is coming to visit us this week.

Tuesday 22. It has been a little warmer today but still very pleasant with a soft mild atmosphere. I have been busy in my studio moisturizing my water colors. Went down town and got a letter from Maurice to Sara telling us he was going to the Yellowstone Park last week also a letter from Cornelia telling her she is soon to be married. Sara and were invited over to Mrs. Van Deusens to meet some of the ladies of the hill. Mrs. Cowell was there, Mrs Hutton, Mrs. Hood and her sister and another lady from Ohio, Mrs. Willis and Mrs. Hornbeck Joe Lowells sister and Mrs. Schreiber who sang very nicely and unaffectedly. She had a very nice strong full voice. Wrote to Mary Gifford.

Wednesday 23. Went down town with Sara to do some marketing. Got a letter from Mrs. Weir saying she thought as Weir was expected back in a few days she would  postpone her visit until next week. Sara had a letter from Cornelia Ellis telling her she was soon to be married! There's ne'er a goose so gray &c". Julia Dillon came today for a visit bringing the news of Lily's engagement to a young man
from Montreal. So it showers all around. Drove down to the Point and gave Park a swim in the river. It rains a little this evening which is very much needed.

Thursday 24. I was working down in the shop today fixing my sketching umbrella where John Weir arrived from Hudson where he spent the night at the Giffords on his way from the Adirondacs. He spent the day with us and went to Samsons by the 4 o'clock train. It has been a lovely day and I enjoyed his visit very much. We took a walk out on the Downs. He and
his wife are to come and make us a visit.

Friday 25. Sara, Julia Dillon, my mother and I took a nice ride up to Eddyville along the creek to see the work on the bridge for the West shore rail road the foundation of which they are building, crossing the Eddyville bridge and down the otherside of the creek to the South Rondout ferry and up Jacobs valley home. I was struck by the activity

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-21 18:10:46 reviewed up to Wednesday 23.