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every where and I think the city must receive an impetus when the West Shore road is finished. I got a letter from Eastman in which he says he would like to go up into the Maine Woods if I will go about Oct. 1. In the afternoon I did some repairs to my sketch box. Mrs. Parsons the matron of the Industrial home took tea with us. A telegram from Weir saying they could not come this week and that he would write. A letter from Gussie.
Saturday Aug. 26. 1882. The weather continues charming. Sara Julia Dillon and I took tea at Mrs. Van Deusens. Mr & Mrs Washburn the Episcopal clergyman were there, Mrs. Cornell & Mrs. Geo. Cuykendall. I left to go to the Powell for Downing and Calvert who came up. A postal card from Weir saying they were thinking of going to the mountains next week and might stop on their way. 

Sunday 27. Rained a very little and has been threatening all day. Calvert wants to go somewhere sketching for a fortnight the latter part of Sept. and we are going up the Rondout Valley next Sunday to explore. It has been very pleasant to have him and Downing here. Wrote to Weir. 
]Monday 28. Calvert & Downing left by 7.20 train. Taking them to the ferry I broke the spring of the top wagon and had to leave it and walk home. Stretched some water color paper and made the stretchers. My mother received a letter from Mrs. Goetchens relative to some genealogical information. My father, mother Sara and I went for a ride. We took Julia to the train for High Falls and then drove out on the Saugerties road crossing over at Aunt Katrines Lake road to the Flat=bush road along the river and thro' the Strand home. It has been a lovely day and the ride very pleasant. Nannie took tea with us and Sade and I went home with her. A letter from Weir. Wrote to Mrs. Goetchens to have her cousin & daughter come up tomorrow. 

Tuesday 29. The Goetchens' did not come nor have we heard anything from them. Went down town and afterward spent the forenoon making some stretchers and stretching paper for Water colors. Lucy and Andrews came a little earlier than we expected them. The days are delightful and I am enjoying home very much. 

Wednesday 30. Andrews and I took a walk along the line of the West Shore rail road from the tunnel to Wiltwyck Cemetery to see the progress of the work. Mrs. Willis, Mrs. Van Deusen and a Mrs Heim of N.Y. called and I took them over to my studio. Andrews, Lucy, Sade, Little Girard and I took a ride by the Roatina and along the river road. Very dusty. Mrs. Davis came home from Alligerville. Wrote to Eastman and to Royal Reid. 

Thursday 31. Again has come the last day of summer. Rains a little this evening. Went down town this morning and did a little work in the shop this afternoon. Mrs Washburn the Episcopal clergymans wife called. Wrote to Dr. Pelton. Tom is drawing the winter coal. 

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