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Friday September 1" 1882
Rained gently nearly all night and a part of this forenoon. Drove down town and did some marketing in the rain. A telegram from Miss Nixon at Lake Mohawk asking if it would be convenient for her and Mrs. Butler to come here tomorrow. Walked down town and answered her. After dinner Andrews and I walked to the Point by the Strand and back by the brick yards and the Steep rock road and through the woods.

Saturday 2. Andrews and I walked up to the circus before dinner and went in to the "Side Show" to see "the fat girl tattooed Man, Circassian Woman &c, very thin and the inside of the tent swelteringly hot. After dinner we took Charlie and Sedgwick and Jamie drove us up to the afternoon performance which in the main was as good as the usual run of circus. Calvert came this evening by the Powell. A letter from Mary Gifford and I answered it, as she invited me up there. The Weirs are to be there. I invited them here but it seems they are not coming. Went to see Harper the ice man who talked of buying the barn. Would barely give me time to speak to him and so I came away without accomplishing any thing. I begin to be troubled - A large family and visitors expected. I ought to be at work. 

Sunday 3. Calvert and I left at 10 oclock and drove to High Falls via Creek Locks arriving there about 1. Dined at Fred Nortons with Miss Pierce and after dinner looked at her and Lilys sketches and left at half past 4 driving to Alligerville where we got on the tow path and followed it to Port Jackson where we crossed over to J Schummakers hotel. Took a little walk before supper. A rain set in at dark and continued through the night. 

Monday 4. Took a walk up on the hill. The valley looks lovely and inviting after the rain, the hotel was most comfortable and altogether we were favorably impressed with the locality. Left at half past ten and came home by Stone Ridge & Marbletown. At Louis Bessers the creek looked very attractive and we have finally concluded to go there for a little while if he will take us. As we came up the hill here at home Sara was ahead of us in the wagon with Miss Nixon, Miss Gage and Mrs. Butler who had just come from Lake Mohawk. They dined with us and they and Calvert went down on the 5.40 train. My father went to Newburgh on the day boat and came up by the Powell much pleased with his little trip. A letter from Booth from Heidelberg. Wrote to him before I went to bed