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was gone when we came down stairs disappearing under most disturbing circumstances. I wrote to Calvert about him asking him to prevent his drawing money in Newport. I don't know what to do about him. He is a never ending torment. Wrote to Renner & Co. about my New Orleans picture, to Downing and to Weir. A letter from Mrs. Sawyer from Londonderry Vt. asking if it would be convenient to have her come here about Oct. 1. Wrote her to come whenever it was convenient. My lame side has troubled me a good deal today. Mary Anderson played here tonight but I did not go. 

Friday Sept. 22. 1882. Has rained violently nearly all day. Received a letter from Calvert in which he tells me to go with Eastman and that he has made other arrangements for his vacation with Bowyer at Staten Island. I wrote him I had given up going to Maine and telegraphed him to that effect. Wrote to Eastman that I could not go. Nothing has been heard from Maurice. A letter came for him from Newport today. I went down town in the rain to mail my letters. The Carpenter worked today and I looked up a painter to finish the work I am not able to do.
Saturday 23. Went down town this morning to get some things for the barn. It began to rain before I got back and has rained very violently ever since and now 10 o'clock the wind is blowing a gale and the rain falling most dismally. Lucy & Andrews are to leave tomorrow but I am afraid the railroads will be damaged by floods and they will be delayed. A letter from Downing regarding Maurice. I wonder where this poor wretched fellow is this awful night. There was a dreadful accident in the tunnel where the rail roads enter N.Y. by which two were killed and many injured. A letter from Booth from Sheffield in the best of spirits, telling of Julia's engagement. He is very much pleased with Mr. Donaldson. 

Sunday 24" The rain has cleared and a brisk north wind blew this morning, but it has been an eventful day. Maurice came home this morning very much intoxicated. He came on the Powell to Pokeepsie where she was obliged to lie by on account of the storm. I would not allow him to come to the breakfast table and he was in a great rage and talked [[?]]. I don't know what is to be done with him. He asked my pardon afterward but I told him I would talk to him when he was in a fit condition to understand me. I think he is somewhat repentant, but I am tired of these scenes. Lucy & Andrews, Jamie & Sedgwick left for [[?]] on the 6 P.M. train from N.Y. Sara and I went over with them on the 5.20 boat (the last one) and staid with them until