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dinner Sara and I drove out there after my trunk and other traps. The wind blew and there were clouds of dust and I concluded I left in just about the right time as it has been very cold sitting out sketching. I dont seem to have got much in the way of sketching, still I was busy all the time and did my best. A paper was sent to Sara from Hudson with the notice of Mrs. Gifford's death yesterday (25") It must have been very sudden.

Friday Oct. 27" 1882. Sara and I went up by the 11 o'clock train to attend Mrs. Giffords funeral. On the train we met Lily Wilkinson and Julias children. We went to the North House and dined and Mary sent for us to come to the house. The funeral services were very simple but very fervent and heartfelt and were conducted by her pastor Rev. Mr. Bruce the Baptist clergyman. He read the 103rd psalm which he said she had requested might be read at her funeral and was the only direction she gave concerning it. Then he read, most feelingly and with a voice trembling with emotion the last part of 31 Proverbs. Who can find a virtuous woman, for her price is far above rubies. He also read Addisons hymn.
"Where all thy mercies of my God" and delivered a short and appropriate address. To my great surprise Mrs. Sanford Gifford and Richard Butter were there and it seems they wrote her when their mother was attacked and she came up and was there when she died. Mary told me briefly that she was feeling differently toward them and had expressed regret at the terrible trouble they have had about Sanfords will. Mrs. Gifford was buried near Sanford and the little children from the orphan asylum were there and threw flowers in her grave. We went back to the house and dined with them and came home by the evening train as did most of the friends from a distance. Poor old Mr. Gifford bore himself with great courage and composure. I wrote to Mary before I went to bed.

Saturday 28 A beautiful golden day. I went over to my studio and began a picture from one of my late studies and painted upon it all day. About 8 o'clock the express wagon drove up with Maurices trunk, as I had expected but up to this hour he has not made his appearance. Our hearts sank knowing what we may look for. I was sure he would not be gone more than a