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Friday Nov. 3. 1882. It was cold last night with the first hard frost of the season and has been cool and frosty all day. After dinner Sara and I (and Park) went over to the top of Hussey Hill returning over the bed of the West Shore railroad. We had a lovely walk. The men are preparing to end the great bridge, and quantities of timber and iron are being landed. Maurice came to the table yesterday and is in a most abject and battered condition. I think with each debauch I see a renewed loss of what little moral sense he had left.

Saturday 4. I spent the forenoon in going downtown and finishing the nine doors for the stable racks. In the afternoon I walked out over the hills and made two or three pencil notes back of Ludlums and at the Roatina. It was a bright day with clear air and a keen wind from the north. Sara drove out to Marbletown to solicit supplies for the house from the farmer and came back with a headache. These bright bracing days I cannot help being out of doors and walking over the hills. I think I learn a great deal of the color of nature in this way. I noticed today after I had made a drawing of some rocks out at the Roatina I did not seem to remember the color with the distinctiveness I did the light and shade. The two last days have wonderfully subdued the color but it is still very rich. The oaks particularly so and the subdued reds and oranges and russets predominate with the soft gray greens of the pines and hemlocks.

Sunday 5" Went to church with my mother to hear the new minister Mr. Magee. I was not particularly impressed still it is hardly fair to judge from once hearing him. After dinner Girard, Jamie and I went over to south Rondout and climbed the hill to the pier from which the high bridge is to start. Afterwards we recrossed the ferry went up to the tunnel and along the work to the Wiltwyck cemetery. Hundreds of people were out inspecting the progress of the work. It has been a "Roman winter day" and the leaves are pretty much fallen. Wrote to Mary.

Monday 6" At work in my studio all day painting a little picture from a pencil sketch I made out near the Roatina. I was sorely tempted to take a walk the day was so fine, but I would like to paint some small pictures of effects I have been studying, of color.

Tuesday 7. Election day. For the first time since the formation of the Republican party I deviated from my regular custom of voting the whole ticket. Today I did not vote for Folger for governor, nor for B. Platte Carpenter for Lieut Governor but voted the prohibition candidates. In every other respect I voted the