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to teach many things and he seemed social and friendly and democratic. I dont know his work. 

Tuesday 14. Went to the dentists by appointment and from there to Marys and saw Downing who improves slowly but improves. Was to be there at dinner but went to Whittredges room and he wanted me to go home with him to spend the night which I did after writing a note to Mary. Next day Wednesday 15 He proposed to me to spend the day as it was very fine. We had a walk and a ride to a funny tumble down house where a man by the name of Sayre lived who had a mania of buying all sorts of useless lumber like old carriages and old machinery and in fact anything that no one else wanted. That evening his clergyman and his wife (Rev Mr. McIlvain) spent the evening at his house. Mrs. Whittredges two sisters were there and we had a pleasant evening.

Thursday 16. It was Wednesday I find that I went to Whittredges for on Tuesday evening Bowyer and I went to Wallace's and saw Mrs. Langtry in Rosalind. A beautiful woman, lovely to look at and not a bad actress but not great. 

Friday 17. In my studio putting things in order most of the time and called at Fred Nortons in the evening. 

Saturday 18. In my studio painting on some of my last years pictures. To the Century in the evening and saw Youmans, Mr. Gordon, Dr Coan and others. 

Sunday 19. Worked in my studio all day on my Indian Summer which came back from Chicago and I think I have improved it. Joe Booth and his wife called at Marys in the evening and also Mr. Farnam who has been on a canoe trip up to Labrador. 

Wednesday 20. Worked half a day in my studio. Went to the dentist in the afternoon and when he got through with me I took the 4 oclock train for home. A lovely day but cold with a most brilliant clear sunset turning everything to gold. A little snow in spots the remnant of a storm of a few days ago. Found my father still ailing and thinking himself I fancy more ill than he really is. 

Tuesday 21. Clear cold day. Put on the double windows and was at work protecting the pump from freezing down at the barn when Rev. Mr. McKinney the Baptist