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walk out on the common to see the progress of the bridge The wind nearly blew me off my feet and yet the men were walking about on the top of the scaffolding 150 feet above the creek. I found dandilions in blossom notwithstanding we have frost every night

Saturday Nov. 25" 1882. A blustery day with the wind N. W. Fixed a lock on the kitchen door and went down town this forenoon. This afternoon took a walk along the rail road from Wiltwyck cemetery to the tunnel. Met Mr. McKinney and Mr. Cheney. The work is progressing rapidly. A letter from Mary saying Downing is improving rapidly and they expect to come up on Monday. Alice also writes that she expects to come Monday. Sent my circular for my picture I am going to send to Pokeepsie. Maurice came up to spend Sunday. He is at the Mansion House and is night editor of the Courier.

Sunday 26. Took a walk over to the woods near the Roatina to see if I could find some rich colored leaves, in the place where dear Gertrude and I got the ferns. I did find some although ice has formed in the ponds and I saw two boys skating on the Roatina as I returned. Shortly after I started the sky grew rapidly grey and that peculiar stillness and sober quiet came on which precedes the snow. The low tender tones of the grey woods, and the evergreens seeming only a darker grey and the peaceful hush on all things brought back the feeling I used always to have and which has always endeared this season to me, and which sometimes I feared had lost its peculiar charm. Shortly after I reached home the snow began to fall and now as I write before going to bed it lies deep over the landscape and is still falling. I did not care to see it yet for the walking has been so fine and I have had such pleasant rambles which I fear will be interfered with. Park went with me as he always does. My father and mother went to bed early and Sara and I talked of dear Gertrude, remembering her sweet and sunny nature and the grace and beauty of her whole life.

Monday 27. Went to N.Y. by the morning train. Called at Marys but Downing had had a restless night and was not able to go to Rondout as they had hoped. Painted all afternoon on my picture. In the evening Calvert and I attended a lecture on the Mound builders at the Academy of Sciences and then went to the club where I heard of LeClears death yesterday I think.

Tuesday 28 Worked on my picture Indian Summer, and went out to buy an overcoat and to see the Leeds stone at a Second Avenue R. R. Station. In the evening attended a meeting at the Academy of Music held to promote the building of the pedestal to the Statue of Liberty enlightening the world.