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Saturday Dec. 16" 1882. Painted until 3 o'clock and went to Rondout by the 4 P.M. train. Calvert went along. Found my father very poorly. Had been better but was very feeble again. The weather cold and much ice in the river. Tom came for us with the sleigh.

Sunday 17. Calvert and I with Park went for a long walk by Ludlums woods, over the hills to the woods beyond the Roatina then down to the steep rocks road and home by the Roatina. The sun shone brightly and I was able to make three pencil sketches. Park went along. We enjoyed the walk greatly and got home to a nice dinner for which we had a good appetite. My father is better and has been up all day.

Monday 18. Calvert and I came down by the early train getting our breakfast at Pokeepsie. I got to my studio and at work before Hubbard did from Brooklyn. Painted all day and began my larger picture. Girard came down and he and I went to Hanyan & Harts theatre. The performance was most vulgar and consisted of noise and Washington Market squabbles yet the house was packed and the audience seemingly enjoyed it. We went to the club a little while and then to my room. Girard staid with me, but I did not sleep well. I cannot accustom myself to sleeping with anyone.

Tuesday 19. We had our breakfast in our room. Girard went out and I set to work to paint the sky in my Jersey picture. I have done a good days work and my picture promises well. Mr. & Mrs. Rossiter Johnson called. She is a distant relation of dear Gertrude and spoke of her with the greatest admiration. It is always a great satisfaction to hear so many people speak in such terms of her who was so worthy of admiration. They invited me to lunch with them on Thursday. Girard went home. Spent the evening at Marys with Julia Dillon and Janette who dined with us.

Wednesday 20. Painted all day. I feel like work and if my pictures could only be seen and sold even I think I would feel something like enthusiasm. Called on Mrs. Col. Sanford but she was out. Went from there to see Miss Nesmith & Mrs. Anderson and spent the evening. From there to the club for a little while.

Thursday 21. Did not work today. Dark and rainy. Lunched with Mr. & Mrs. Rossiter Johnson. Alice came in and we went there together. These were present beside Mr. & Mrs. Johnson, Alice and me, Mrs. Smith of the ethnological bureau an investigator of Indian lore, Mrs. Kendrick and Mrs. Wei de Meyer. A very pleasant occasion and I remained until 4 o'clock. When I came to my room it was raining quite fast. Bade Alice goodbye. She goes home Tuesday and I go home tomorrow morning to be gone until Tuesday. Downings ship the Servia arrived in Queenstown yesterday after a passage of only 7 days.

Friday 22 Went up home by the 4 o'clock train to go to Mrs. Bernards