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invitation I accepted very gladly as I was expecting to dine at a restaurant as Mary was going up to Alpine. Young Rutherford was at dinner and immediately after Eastman and I went down to the Academy to see the photographs of Muybridge representing action, horses running, trotting & walking and men in various actions. It was most curious and interesting. There were only half a dozen artists present among them Herkomer.

Thursday Dec. 28. 1882. Worked all day on my winter picture and am much interested in it. Col & Mrs. Sanford and his niece Miss McGregor called. Mrs. Sanford is a very interesting woman and she apparently enjoyed her visit. I showed her all the sketches I made out at Fort Halleck. Went up to Eastmans again to dine so that we could have a talk after dinner Found Mrs. Johnson had invited two ladies, Miss Mullany a niece of Chas. O'Connor and Miss Chalfin and young Conway and Mr. Horn. I was in my ordinary dress still I did not mind. Mr & Mrs. Isham called while I was there. I had not seen them for years. Came home and wrote Sara that I could not go home on Saturday as there is a special meeting of the trustees of the Century that evening.

Friday Dec. 29. Had my breakfast in my room and after a walk went to work on my winter picture and painted until 4 o clock when a note came from Mary wanting me to come to dinner at half past 5 as she was to have some company in the evening. She had had a note from Sara with most disheartening accounts of Maurice who had been brought home again. How this discourages me and how it darkens all things to me. I cant keep thinking of it all the time. I wrote Sara yesterday that I would not come home on Saturday as I had to attend a special meeting of the Century trustees. I feel as though I dont want to see any one and dont want to go home which is the saddest of all for that is my refuge always in trouble. Spent the evening at Marys Mr & Mrs Donaldson & Harry, Mrs Taylor & Lily, Lily, Julia Dillon & Mr Brown, Roger Haydock and Miss Haywood & Miss Bogart were there.

Saturday 30. Painted on my winter. Lily McEntee visited me In the evening attended a special meeting of the Century trustees to consider an offer for the sale to us of the Rossiter house in 38th St. We voted unanimously to recommend the club at the Annual meeting to purchase the property for $85.000.

Sunday 31. Mary and I went to Dr Bellows church and heard a good sermon from his brother in law Mr. Peabody. The last time I was there was at Dr. Bellows funeral. Saw Emma Brace and her mother there. Afterwards Mary and I walked up to 38th St and looked at the Rossiter house. Calvert and I came over to my room in the afternoon. Stopped at the club a little while and talked about the proposed Rotary exhibition with Perry and Beard. Came to my room and addressed a few New Year cards to those from whom I had received cards.

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-25 15:40:14