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Monday January l. 1883.

This is the first New Year I have spent in New York for many years and I regret I am not at home where I know they are expecting me. Came to my room and went to work on a little picture for Beard in exchange for one he gave dear Gertrude many years ago. Soon Calvert and Emma Brace came in. I invited them to stay to lunch which they did and we had a very pleasant time indeed. They left about 2 o'clock and I finished the little picture which I have shown to Beard and which he likes very much. So begins a New Year. While each [[strikethrough]] ye [[/strikethrough]] day we actually begin a new year there is still something very impressive in the end and the beginning of these accepted subdivisions of our lives. I start with no new vows or resolutions but with a fervent hope that I may be diligent, truthful and able to resist temptation in whatever form and to have the courage and the will to live up to my ideal of a true life.- After dinner I went around to the club and wrote to Mrs. Sawyer and to Lucy. Calvert and I made a New Year call on Aunt Christina and on old Mrs. Booth. Mrs Booth had received a letter from Edwin in which he said he had telegraphed to Downing in Liverpool and had received an answer from him.

Tuesday 2. Tried to paint a picture today but failed. It always depresses me to fail in my pictures. Called on Whitelaw Reid and his wife this evening. Found them alone and had a pleasant call. Went to the club for an hour and had a talk on Art with Benjamin. He agreed with me that the art of today was lacking in ideality. Reid whose portrait Herkomer is painting has an income in London from his art of £10.000.

Wednesday 3. Began a water color 20 x 24 from my oil picture of Brilliant autumn foliage. Got the paper badly stretched and must do it all over. Went to Mrs. Paddocks reception and after dinner Calvert, Mary, Julia Dillon and I called on the Smillies. Went to the club a short time.

Thursday 4. Remounted my water color after Woods plan by pasting it on a muslin stretched. Lily McEntee came in while I was doing it. Had consulted her and bought a glue pot and tried the glue which did not work well. Woods plan very successful and I went to work upon it and have kept steadily at it all day. Called at the Rossiter Johnsons but they had gone to Brooklyn. Saw Mr & Mrs Wei de Meier who live with them. From there called on Annie Lee in 10" St who is to spend some time in town. Went to the club for an hour. Beginning to be worried with money anxieties They dont send my money for my picture sold in Brooklyn nor reply to my inquiries. I cant stand being asked for money when I have none.

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