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Friday Jan. 5th 1883. Worked all day on my water color and about finished it quite successfully I hope. Snowed nearly all day. Dined at Mrs. Bullards to meet Mrs. Harriet Prescott Spofford. Miss Booth and her friend Miss [[blank space]] Edgar Fawcett and Mr. Ashe were also guests. Snowy night

Saturday 6. Went home in the 3.30 train. Beautiful snow effects just outside the city. Lily Wilkinson was on the train and sat with me all the way to Pokeepsie. My mother had had a strange attack yesterday which seemed like another paralytic stroke affecting her left side but she recovered from it entirely in an hour. It troubled me greatly when I heard of it but I found her as well as usual. 

Sunday 7. Made a drawing of Gussie sitting in the window looking out at the snow.

Monday 8. We were all called up at midnight last might. My mother had a severe paralytic shock affecting her left side. We thought she was dying and was speechless and entirely helpless. I went for Dr. Chalker and when he arrived she was somewhat easier. Sara, Gussie and I were with her all the remainder of the night. She has been in a precarious condition all day but more quiet. Her speech almost entirely gone. I took a walk toward evening out to see the bridge and came home through the cemetery past dear Gertrudes grave. The weather very cold. Mary, Gussie and I were with my mother until midnight when Sara & Nannie [[?]] relieved us. I telegraphed for Mary this morning and she came up by the 11 oclock train. 

Tuesday 9. My mother much improved this morning. Can speak and looks better. Dr. Chalker thought her improved decidedly. Wrote to Lucy & to Marion. Mr. Magee the Presbyterian clergyman called. Have been painting on a little water color from the drawing of Gussie. 

Wednesday 10. Painted on the water color but it is not very good. Shall try it again. My mother continues to improve a little but is helpless

Thursday 11. My mothers condition warranted me in coming down to N.Y. by the noon train as I had some business to attend to. Mrs Shufeldt with two little children from the Home was on the train going to take them to homes. Very cold weather. Attended a meeting of the Century trustees at which we considered and adopted a report recommending the Club to buy the Rossiter house. Damaging disclosure regarding Newton the 

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