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BERLIN, Jan. 11, 1883
The British Embassy and the American legation were present at Mr. Edwin Booth's first performance to-night at the Residenz Theatre. Mr. Booth opened his engagement at that theatre as Hamlet. The house was crowded, and the performance was a perfect success, Mr. Booth being repeatedly called before the curtain and fairly stormed with applause. Prince Frederick William, who was present, remained until the conclusion of the play, and frequently expressed to the director of the theatre his admiration of Mr. Booth's incomparable acting.
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Mary, Gussie and I had a river sleigh ride this afternoon. The sleighing is excellent. Went up by Wilbur to see the bridge which they are pushing ahead vigorously, then to Kingston out on the Flat bush road and home by thee river road through the Strand. 

Tuesday Jan. 16" 1883. It snowed this morning. On my way to my Studio I found that a poor old woman had slipped and fallen on the sidewalk and hurt her arm. As no one seemed inclined to do anything for her I took her to Miss De Cochrans who lives near by in 10" St She examined the arm and thought one of the tendons was broken. Advised me to go to a police man and have her sent to the hospital. I went to Jefferson Market Court house and the authorities directed me to the police station in Mercer St. I went there where they immediately telegraphed for an ambulance and sent a man with me. We met the ambulance as we turned into 10" St. The young Dr. accompanying it said on examination she had broken one of the small bones of the wrist. She seemed in great pain. They took her to the hospital and I went to carry her basket to the woman she lived with in Union Court                                and to tell her what had happened. She made a great ado as the Irish always do, quite out of keeping with the poor injured womans accounts of her sympathy for her. Then I went down town to Dr. Shermans office and after waiting several hours I had an interview with him and got to my room pretty cold and tired. Began a little winter picture of some thing I saw on my way home Sunday. 

Wednesday 17. Snowed today and rained when I went to dinner. I have been painting a little picture from the drawing I made of Gussie sitting in the window but have not succeeded as well as I hoped. Have felt very depressed and discouraged all afternoon and evening. Calvert and I spent the evening at Julia Dillons and I came to my room a little after 9 feeling very disheartened and unhappy.

Thursday 18. Began a picture 14 x 26 which I hope to send to the Springfield exhibition. Miss McCoy a poor girl from West Virginia who wrote me about borrowing some sketches to copy

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-27 10:08:54