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called today and I lent her 8 sketches. Mrs. Carter speaks well of her, but with her ill health and her poverty what a discouraging outlook, particularly as I fear she has not much talent while the best artists find it so hard to get on. Mr. Gill of Springfield called to get pictures for his exhibition. I agreed to let him have my Jersey picture and seeing the one I am at work at he asked for that. H. K. Browns nephew called. I called this evening on Mrs. Frances Weeks in their new house in 24" St. and had a very pleasant call. Since I saw her last she has lost her brother and her mother. I have had a most discouraged feeling whenever I have given myself a moment to think of my affairs. I fear my responsibilities are more than I can carry and I cannot see my way at all clear. I am afraid I am entering again upon a season of despondency such as I have so often suffered. Received letters this evening from Mary Gifford and Julia Wilkinson. 

Friday Jan. 19. 1883. A dark day with snow. Painted on my picture for Springfield "Shadows of Autumn" 14 x 26 and advanced it. Mr. McMinn who used to be Andrews Lieutenant called. Eastman came while he was here and invited me to dine with him. I went up about half past four and staid until after 10. We had an earnest talk on religious topics and on seriousness and the foolishness of shams in life. 

Saturday 20. A rainy, sloppy day. Calvert and I went to Rondent by the 3 30 train. It rained when we arrived but Tom met us at the ferry with a sleigh. Found my mother a little improved. 

Sunday 21. Commenced a picture of the same thing I made a drawing of, Gussie looking out the window on the winter landscape, only I made it much larger 14 x 18 and got a good beginning. Calvert and I started out for a walk after dinner beyond the Cemetery but he was obliged to return as the snow was saturated with water and it had begun to freeze so that he broke through at every step and wet his feet. I had my arctics on and went on out to the river but the walking was most difficult. 

Monday 22. Painted on the picture again until afternoon when the sun came out. It had grown very cold. Calvert and I took a walk through the Cemetery passing dear Gertrudes grave and out to the view to see the high bridge and got back to our 3 o clock dinner.

Tuesday 23. Very cold. 8° below zero. The sun shone briefly and I could not work on my picture. Calvert and I walked down to the post office and around by the Point road home. 

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-27 10:32:10