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harness him to get him up. The harness was broken a little in the end of one of the shafts but no serious damage done. I found my mother sitting in her wheeled chair and playing checkers with Sara looking much brighter than when I went away and able to hold up her head better. Joe Tomkins was there having gone up by the 11 o'clock train

Sunday Feb. 4" 1883. It was so slippery I did not venture out. Wrote to Alice from whom I had a letter on Saturday with more hopeful accounts of Mr. Sawyer. Also wrote to Henry Abbey, who sent me one of his poems to read, criticising it as he desired me to do but in as kindly a spirit as possible. 

Monday 5. Came down with the noon train. The country is a sheet of ice and our hill dangerous to venture upon. I came down to attend Mrs. Johnsons tea. The train was nearly an hour late and I had all I could do to dress and get up there. Stayed only a short time. The street full of carriages and lots of fashion able people. Every evidence that Eastman is prospering. Mary and Calvert had just gone. After dinner Calvert and I attended Seymour Haden's lecture on etching at Chickering Hall. I was not favorably impressed with it as a whole. There was too much disparagement of line engravers who certainly deserve a place in art. I thought some of his methods of comparison unfair as for instance showing on a large screen a fragment of an engraved sky with none of its accessories and comparing it with a full etching of landscape. He evidently does not know every thing and is like so many, one sided. 

Tuesday 6. My pictures both came back from the Century. I am in the greatest anxiety. There seems an utter stagnation in art matters and I understand the Artists Fund sale last night was very discouraging. I have no resources and have no idea what I am to do. It seems to me I never had greater cause for anxiety and yet I try to be hopeful. A dark day. I painted on the interior of my studio which I began a year or two ago. In this evening Mary, Calvert and I attended a most delightful musical party at Mrs. Thurbers. Jereffy played, the four Misses Miegs sang and also Mr. Tvedt tenor and there was some good violin playing by a Spaniard. Met Mr Whitney & wife, Brynsen & his wife, and a number of friends. 

Wednesday 7. Racked and tortured with anxieties and dark forebodings about the future. I do not see what I am to do.  Painted on my interior. In the evening called on Miss Nixon who has been dangerously ill but is about again. Saw Mrs. Butler and Miss Gage. They have bought a silver mine in Mexico and it was curious to hear these women talk of stocks &c.

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