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Friday Feb. 23" 1883. Julia and Harry came and made a visit, also Julia Dillon and Dr Waldos sister-in-law. The latter although an art student did not seem to be interested in my work and scarcely looked at any of my pictures. Called up in 68" St to see Mrs. Col Sanford but she was out. It was a very cold night and I was glad to get back to my comfortable room in front of my nice fire where I sat in my bed room and read in Froudes History of England until late. I always feel an inclination to get back to my rom and yet it is very lonely here unless I am very much interested as happily I am now, in Froude. I am going to read more. There is another world in good books and sometimes I get very tired of this one. 

Saturday 24. Fuller came to tell me that there was a picture of mine in a collection to be sold at auction and asking me if I would do something to it if he bought it. I thought it wise to say I would. He said he did not want me to do it gratuitously. I hope he may want an important picture of me, he says he does. Downing and I went to Rondout by the 3.30 train. One of his trunks did not turn up. He occupied my room with me. It puts me to inconvenience, but he or Calvert or all of them for that matter are always ready to do anything for me. My mother looked bright and I think improves slowly. 

Sunday 25. Gussie and I went over to Girard's and spent the evening last night. Mr & Mrs. Wadsworth, Mr & Mrs. Phillips & Mrs Barnes, Nannie and Ettie were there. It snowed when we came home. Girard did not put in an appearance for which I was sorry. Maurice did not come home either which is always significant. It rained and has rained all forenoon ceasing about noon. After dinner Downing and I walked up to the new depot and from there along the track clear through the tunnel to the end of the bridge. An immense amount of work has been done since I was there last. The cutting is practically done. Men were at work on the masonry at the end of the bridge at the mouth of the tunnel. The middle span of the bridge will not be put up until the ice goes out the creek. We came home across the Common. I finished reading Fanny Kembles "Recollections of a Girlhood" which has been a great satisfaction to me. I feel as though I had been in the society of a noble and interesting woman. She impresses me as a woman of great frankness of character joined to a judicious reticence, a woman I would like to have known, her letters as a girl of 22 show great maturity

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-25 16:12:52