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of judgement, not without enthusiasm but never gushing or sentimental, the kind of character which is most charming to me. Indeed what a charm there always is in sincerity of character. Her judgements of other women and their actions is always sweetened by sympathy and charity. I am glad to know her through this delightful book. 

Monday Feb. 26" Colder and very icy and slippery. Have felt melancholy and depressed and filled with anxieties. What I am to do to meet all the obligations which will soon be pressing upon me I do not know. So often I have gone through this same worry and have as often emerged from it somehow. Not always successfully, but now it seems to me the future looks more troubled than ever. It seems all wrong with my room full of pictures, the sale of one or two of which would solve the difficulty and with so much valuable property here in Rondout that we should be so troubled for the means to live and meet our daily needs. Charles Kembles sufferings in his experience with the Covent Garden Theatre seemed so real to me as stated by Fanny Kemble. I know what agony such troubles cause. What has the future in store for us? God alone knows. I came away sadly enough by the evening train. We rode over on the ice. It was very cold. Got to my room almost half past nine feeling sad and lonely and depressed. Thought, oh so sadly of my dear Gertrude whose loving heart is close to me in these dark days whose bitterness she happily is spared.

Tuesday 27. Very cold. I began a picture 24 x 36 with an eye to Fuller. He expressed a liking for a certain kind of picture and I am going to try to paint one that he may like. With all my worries I am thankful that I do not have to do something which would keep me on the street such a disagreeable day. Calvert and I called on Mrs. Bullard. Miss Emily Faithfull was there but was engaged with a caller and so I did not see her. We came to my room together and smoked a pipe. The streets were very cold and windy. 

Wednesday 28. The last winter day. I am sorry to see it go for much that I hoped and anticipated from the winter has not been realized. Indeed all my ventures have failed and sometimes I wonder how I keep up my courage. Painted on my picture and wrote Sara about Downings trunk and to tell her I would not come up on Saturday as it is the monthly meeting at the Century. Attended a meeting at the Century to organize a Rotary exhibition. Perry, Wm. Hart, Beard & Wood were present. I am loth to connect my name with it but some one must. We meet again next Wednesday to adopt a constitution. I said I would take no part in it. 

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-25 16:18:10