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Friday March 16" 1883. Fuller from whom I had a note came about 11 oclock. To my great satisfaction he was greatly pleased with the picture and wished me to order a frame for it. Showed him his other picture which I am painting on and he approved what I am doing. Wanted me to go with him down to Cyrus Butters office in Cliff St. to see a picture by an artist which he liked. Butter was not in but we we were shown to an upper room where the picture hung. It was simply vile, and I told Fuller I wouldn't have it if it was given to me. It was a moonlight of the feeblest and most conventional type and did not rise to dignity even of being vicious, it was simply weak. The price of it was $2000. Fuller did not propose to buy it but he thought of sending him an order to paint a smaller one for about $500. It might seem cruel in me to prevent his getting this order which I most assuredly did, but Fuller relied on my opinion and I was not going to shrink from giving it. I was glad enough Butter was out. We came back to my room where we had lunch. The day was gone by this time. I am relieved that the picture is sold even at a low price. When I got back I found the name of a Mr. Whitney from Springfield on my door and I did not know whether it might not be in connection with my picture there. Called on my Aunt Christina in the evening and on old Mrs. Booth. About ten went to the "Zig Zags" at the American Art Gallery were we had a jolly time until 2 o'clock. Some of Kyles performances were capital, particularly an Irishman president of an Irish society who made a speech on "Education." The usual fun and jollity prevailed. 

Saturday 17. Called on Church who is painting a large picture for some one in St. Louis. He is working more than usual this winter and seems to me to paint as well as he ever did. Called on J. G. Brown who always tells me how much he has to do and how popular his pictures are and generally has some newspaper article to show me in which he is spoken of with favor, all of which is very comforting to me who have nothing to do and who seems to becoming obsolete. Wilmont came and took the measure for Fullers picture. Whittredge called but just a few minutes before I had to leave for home which I did by 3.30 train. Met Joe Tomkins and Downing on the ferry boat at Rondout. They had come up on the same train from Newburgh. My mother did not seem to have gained at all even did not seem so well. 

Sunday 18. A warm day with a strong south wind. I am surprised to see how the snow has gone. There was good 

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