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mother came today. My mother seemed to feel she ought to see him but I could see it was a trial to her and she wanted us to be present. My father, Sara and I were there. He sang some simple hymns for her, read some selections of scripture and made a prayer, doing the best which a kind and gentle nature dictated to him, but all the while I could not help a feeling that it was only saddening her. She needs no solemn talk, but rather cheerful topics, but she seemed to think it her duty and so I did not in any way oppose her wish. She seemed excited and her cheeks more flushed and I know it did her no good. I dont believe much in the conventional consolations. Joe and Gussie arrived in the midst of it from the Cove. Downing and I took a walk in the afternoon out to the tunnel and along the track to Jacobs Valley and home across the fields. In the evening He, Sara and I attended the Bachelors ball at Music Hall Kingston. It was a pleasant affair for the young people and entirely successful but I was glad when it was over. A ball is a poor place for me who does not dance. 

Tuesday 27. It snowed and rained today by turns and cleared towards evening. I came down by the evening train. A man had called at the house last week to see if my place were for sale, some one connected with the water works, and who lives in N.Y. Said he would come to my studio to see me. 

Wednesday 28. Painted a twilight of the Palace of the Caesars 14 X 20 The weather is still wintry. Called on Miss Blake in the evening and stopped at the Club. How dull and cheerless the days are. A little success would make them seem so much brighter. Robbins called and invited me to dine with him tomorrow to meet Church and his wife.

Thursday 29. Tried to paint on a little picture of Spruce creek which I began some time ago but I am in no mood to paint and I question if it is wise to try. Every one needs some spur or encouragement of some kind either in the way of new and interesting subjects or in some demand for what one does. I seem to have painted all I have to express. Dined at Robbins with Mr & Mrs Church and Mrs Phelps. Was invited to a family dinner, but it seemed to me quite a luxurious dinner with plenty of wines. Walked down from 60" St. 

Friday 30. Snowing violently when I went to breakfast. This being varnishing day I went up to the Academy. Most of the artists were strangers to me, the day was dark and dismal and my pictures looked poor and unsatisfactory. The Uplands in Autumn is hung in the dark sculpture room and is completely