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It was very kind of Bradford to take all that trouble for me for it was a trouble. He took him to the Academy on Sunday and showed him my picture and did all he could to sell it, and I am very grateful to him. The Earl intended to come to my room but he sails tomorrow and asked Bradford if I would not call on him at his hotel, that he would like to make my acquaintance and see me for a few minutes. Calvert had been in earlier to tell me that my figure picture "The Wintry River" was sold in the Academy and Wood told me later that he sold it for me to a Mr. Watson, I think, president of the Bank of Montreal for my full price $300.- Mrs. Emerson called to see me. I told her it would be difficult for me to teach her anything as I was just now only painting on pictures which were well advanced but I would tell her any thing I could. I am afraid I have got myself in a scrape and that she will trouble me, unintentionally, because she is a modest retiring woman, by my not being able in the least to help her. Marion, Julia and I went to the Academy. They were all glad to hear of my good luck, and when we came home from the Academy I went to the Club and wrote to Sara of my good fortune.

Wednesday Apl 4" 1883. Went with Bradford by appointment to call upon Earl Grosvenor at the Brunswick. His luggage was all piled up in the Office in charge of his servant ready to go aboard ship at 11 oclock. We sent up our cards and he saw us in his very bare chambers room. A young man of pleasant address with whom we talked a few minutes and then left. Went to the Academy and paid the commission on my picture, then to the bank and deposited my Thousand dollars and then to my room where Mrs. Emerson had been and gone away again. Am painting on my Indian Summer picture and have made it a great deal better. Attended a meeting of the Rotary Exhibition at the Century. Hart, Wood, Bierstadt, Bristol, Perry, Shattuck & myself. Adopted a constitution and name "The American Art Union" Elected the board of control, Huntington President, Wood Vice President, Perry Secty, Dilman Trees. Board of Control, Bristol, Hart & Shattuck for 1 year. Huntington [[blank space]] McEntee for 2 years. E. Johnson, Wood & Perry for 3 years. So the society is in existence, a number of members were elected and will be notified at once. It remains to be seen if the artists will respond I think they will. Peter Cooper died today. One of the best men of our time.   

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-25 18:46:50