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Thursday Apr 5th 1883. A warm pleasant day, almost the first one. Paid some bills. Sent Fullers picture home yesterday and today he sent me a check for it. It is pleasant to have money coming in again and delightful to be able to pay bills which seems a great part of the satisfaction in life. Worked on my Indian Summer and have it almost done. The frame came today. The picture is another thing and I feel a thousand dollars richer for what I have done to it which is a great satisfaction. Mary came home from Rondout yesterday. She is always cheery and encouraging. A meeting of the Century trustees this evening at which the Newton affair came up in a most disagreeable form. He means fight and has Mr. Chas. Tracy to conduct his case, who as an old member of the club takes a very hostile position. A committee of Oakley, Nash & Marbury was appointed to investigate the case to report to the Trustees. Eastman and I talked until after midnight and then he did not want to go. We walked over together and it was one oclock when I went to bed. 

Friday 6. Went up to Eastman Johnsons to see a head he painted yesterday and which he wanted me to see. It was very fine and strong. Saw Mrs. Enos portrait, very rich and fine in the accessories. He is very busy and has more than he can do but he says he works like a dog and has no recreation and apparently does not have a better time than I do. [[strikethrough]] Came [[/strikethrough]] Mrs. Pinchot came in while I was there. Came to my studio and painted a while on the sky of one of my pictures, when Julia Dillon came in and asked me to go over to Hoboken to call on the Cooks with her which I did. We only saw Mrs Pychowskas daughter the ladies having gone out. It was a warm spring like day with grey sky. In the evening went to Dalys Theatre with Mary Marion & Julia to see "3.20.8." which was very amusing with Lewis and Ada Rehan. Stopped in at Maillards and cooled ourselves with an ice.-

Thursday 12. Went home on Saturday, and remained until today. I found the drain from the house had become clogged and I was obliged to attend to it personally. Had to make a new drain a part of the way, get a new sink and take up a piece of kitchen floor. A most discouraging and difficult thing to regulate. I finished it today. My Mother is no better and needs constant attention. To add to our embarrassment Mrs. Davis is sick and poor Sara has her hands full. She has too much to do. I could not help a feeling of great discouragement but strove against it. We have too large a place to look after and I only wish we could sell it and get into smaller quarters. I came away in the rain by the noon  

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-26 19:22:09