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not at all dictational and seems willing to submit to any Judgement and I would like to satisfy him which I think I can do if I can satisfy myself. Went home by 3.30 train. 

Sunday Apl 29. 1883. Cold as winter. I took a walk out beyond the Roatina to see if I could find some flowers. The wind blew from the north and my fingers were cold although I wore gloves. Went to the place where dear Gertrude and I got the ferns and I thought of her all the time I was in this place and longed for her with an intensity of feeling that no one has ever yet been able to express. These sweet yet sad memories of her are the very best part of my life now for they visit me every where and fill many lonely hours with her sweet companionship. I found Sanguinaria, the delicate blossom curled up with a little spike and wrapped round with the leaf like a cloak to ward off the bitter wind. I also gathered a quantity of Hepaticas many of which had been blasted by the cold. When I got home I put them in tepid water and they all came out beautifully. Julia Vaux painted a little picture of the Sanguinaria.

Monday 30. Walked with "Park" who always goes with me up to Wiltwyck Cemetery to the rail road and down the back to the bridge through the tunnel. The road is rapidly approaching completion. They are building a wall along the cemetery and ballasting the track to the end of the bridge preparatory to laying the track which is down almost to the tunnel. The bridge is practically finished and they are taking down the scaffolding. The track has reached the south end and a train of cars loaded with iron stood there. Looking out of my window today I saw a locomotive coming up the valley along Hussey Hill. It has been a little warmer today so that I wheeled my mother out on the back porch. Came down by evening train. Met Major Wilkinson on the ferry boat. We sat together as far as Pokeepsie, where we took a carriage and went up into the town and had lunch at a restaurant and I took a later train which arrived in N.Y. at 10 oclock. 

Tuesday May 1. 1883. The people opposite are moving I cant help a feeling of compassion for them. I feel it a blessing that I am not compelled to change year after year as so many do. I ordered a suit of clothes for the summer at Castors a cheap place. I dont know what the result will be but it is a consolation to know that the cost will be less than half what my tailor would charge. Commenced a "Yellowstone" picture 

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-27 14:08:59 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-30 22:34:25 . Sanguinaria canadensis, bloodroot, is a perennial.