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Monday May 16" 1883. Packing and arranging to leave this week. A meeting of the Art Union board of Control this evening at which all the members were present including Eastman Johnson. The project assumes strong proportions. We are making arrangements for an etching, probably by Bolsum from Eastman Johnson's "Reprimand". Eastman and I walked over to the 6" Av. together and I am to go there to dinner on Friday. Paid my studio rent for the year today.

Thursday 17 The weather cool and spring clothes not in season. My frames came from Wilmont and I sent Fullers picture to him. Dined at Platts in the evening. Miss Chaney (one who was with Mrs. Joy) was there. Mr. Goodmans son came in.

Friday 18. Went by appointment up to Fullers office and from there to his rooms in 41" St to see his pictures. He has one large one of Gifford and a smaller one, one of Whittredges four of mine one of Wadsworth Thompson and a very good one of Murphy. He paid me for my picture of "Evening" $350. Perry called the Art Union Board of Control together this afternoon to decide about hiring the rooms in the Wheeler & Wilson building. Wm Hart backed out of the board as he backs out of everything he ever went into. The rest of us Perry, Wood, Beard, Bristol, myself and Eastman Johnson by note to Perry were in favor of closing the affair by taking the room but Wm Hurt backing out left us without a quorum. Perry however is to see Bierstadt this evening and as he is in favor of it Perry will give an answer to Wheeler & Wilson tomorrow morning. Mr. Hart has the least backbone of any man I know. He is said to be a rich man but the risking a little money frightens him. I dont understand such people. Dined at Eastman Johnsons. Lang was there also. He is 69 years old and I remember him as a comparatively young man.

Saturday 19. Perry called the Board of Control of the Art Union together again at his studio this morning to give a decision as to renting the room. In addition to the votes in favor yesterday Dielman came and we decided to take the room at $3500 per year from June 1". We think we are running no risk even if we do nothing more than to make a sales room for American Artists. Now everything depends on our good management.

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-25 19:21:35