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Brooklyn when we got up on the foot way and returned to N.Y. having had a most interesting day and one long to be remembered. The bridge is really a magnificent affair, something to fill me with admiration. We had dinner at Marys and in the evening went up on the roof and saw the fireworks on the bridge which were not as fine as might have been.

Friday May 25". 1883. Calvert and I with Perry went to see the gallery of the Art Union which men were at work in fixing the floor. Then I went to my studio and arranged to come home by 11 o'clock train. I had a sad and melancholy feeling as I always do when I leave for the summer. So much may occur before I return in the fall and I have come and gone so many years that I cannot but expect changes and keep asking myself if perhaps I will return again. I thought of dear Gertrude as I always do at such times and how in the spring she came there to see the Taylors when they sailed and never came back again. How could I have borne it if I had known what a few short months had in store for me and how wise it is that we cannot know. I arrived home and found it very lovely here but always sad at first until I get well transplanted.

Saturday 26. A warm day with the wind blowing strongly from the S. Downing and I immediately after breakfast went down to the Point by the upper road taking Park along for a swim. Went to the lower dock where they were loading a large schooner with coal. From there along the shore and by the brickyards and up through the field above the cement kilns to the region above Steep Rocks. The dogwood is in bloom but not such large fine flowers as down near New York. What we used to call the Juniper tree is only beginning to leaf and some of the apple trees are still in full bloom. We came home through Ludlums woods. This afternoon I have been putting away my winter clothing and I have had a very melancholy feeling. I came across so many things to remind me of dear Gertrude. Most of the time here at home I have this depressed feeling, because I am not actively employed all the time and have so much time to think over the past.

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