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Monday July 9. 1883. A fine clearing morning. Booth and Edwina left by the 11 o'clock, H.R. Train. They both regretted to go but will return after some visits. I think they feel more at home here than any where else they go. This has been a perfect day with a cool north air and rich atmosphere. Bonyer who stopped over from the Press excursion last night went down by the West Shore road. Immediately after dinner Downing and I with Park started for a long walk. We crossed the high bridge and walking down beyond Van Akens crossed over to the upper [[?]] pond thinking it was the lower one. We walked clear round to the lower end of the lower one and struck across from Ames' to the river road and went as far as the ice house where we rested an hour giving Park a good swim. When the little Pokeepsie boat came along we got on board of her and came home. Mr Van Aken was on board and also Mrs Legrand Abbey. A letter from Lucy this morning all about poor Maurice of whom I have thought many times today and very sadly. I saw him for the last time at breakfast five weeks ago yesterday. Poor fellow. My heart is filled with pity when I think of him. I occupy my room again tonight and it seems like coming home. My room, sacred because of dear Gertrude.

Tuesday 10. Downing and I went to Kaatskill by the  West Shore road after dinner. We intended to be home at 8 but there was a slide on the road and we did not get back home til nearly midnight. I am surprised they attempted to move trains along here with the track in so incomplete a condition. It was a beautiful day. I had a letter from Whittredge saying he would be ready to go sketching in about ten days. I hope nothing will prevent me from going with him. Wrote to Miss Nesmith and ordered a few colors.

Wednesday 11 Another lovely day. My father is sick and had a chill today. I am always troubled when he is ill. Picked the late cherries over near my studio. Wrote to Whitteridge. Prepared some canvases for sketching over at my studio. Attended a little childrens party over at Mrs. Van Deusens.

Thursday 12. My father is about again today and seems to have almost entirely recovered. Downing is at work building a clock in his room, the same room which Maurice occupied. I read one of Maurices letters to me from Boston in May 1881 in which he gives a touching picture of the slavery he was under. In view of that confusion it seems to me I ought to have been more forthcoming with him. There is something frightful in this appetite when it [[can take ?]] possession and I believe from ever recover from it. I cant think of him now but with the greatest pity for he proved by his almost tragic death his inability to control himself. I used to think he could help it if he would. This afternoon I painted a study of holly hock out at the side of the house. I am most anxious to be at work and hope Whittredge and I can go together for a short time at least. Mary went to N.Y. today by the day boat to be gone until Saturday when Calvert will probably come up with her. 

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