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of wicker fame. Annie Norton came up and she and May and I went over to my studio and walked about my place which Henry keeps very neatly. At 6.30 Mary and I went to the Union Station to visit Mr & Mrs Sawyer. I had had a postal card from Knight which left their route in doubt. They did not come. Mrs. Wheeler and Frank Thurber got off the train on their way to the mountains. Meanwhile Downing had gone to the closer train on the Hudson River road but they did not arrive by that. After tea he drove down to a later train but they arrived meanwhile by the 7.40 W. S. road their baggage having been detained at Fishkill.

Saturday, July 21" 1883. Mr. Sawyer, my father and I started to go to the place where the water works company take the water from the Sawkill but we only got as far as Sawkill bridge. We found it was four or five miles from there over a very rough road and so we returned. It has been a pleasant day, a little warmer than yesterday as the wind was South, but still a charming day. After dinner Mr. Sawyer, Downing and I walked up to the Union Depot to see the train for the mountains come in. There were 8 cars. Two trains went up the N & D road with ten cars. The scene at the station was very animated with the arrival of all three trains and the transfer from one to the other. I saw Theodore Cole who had come to Kingston on business.

Sunday 22. Bonyer and Phil Wilson came up last night by a late train and we knew nothing of their arrival until this morning. It rained in the forenoon but cleared before dinner. I wrote to Gussie and to Eastman who I was surprised to hear was still in N.Y. Mrs. Sawyer, Phil, Downing and I took a ride to Kingston and out on the Flat bush road. Mrs. Sawyer lost her shawl.
Monday 23. Mr Sawyer and I walked out on the common this morning to get a view of the bridge and this afternoon we went up to the Creek Locks on the little boat. Downing has had a letter from Booth which he showed me. They have returned to N.Y. There were portions of it a little severe I thought but not perhaps intentionally. I have had a talk with Downing this evening and I think made him feel better. I have advised him to accept Edwinas decision and to give her up. Cousin Rachel came today.

Tuesday 24" Daily I am surprised at the continuance of cool lovely weather. We seem to have had no hot weather and the summer is more than half gone. I went down town this morning and got a letter from Whittredge. He will not be ready to leave home before Wednesday or Thursday and it will be the end of the week before I hear from him. I worked in the flower garden. After dinner Mr. Sawyer, my father, Downing and I went out to Leggs Mill fishing. John & Nannie were there. We caught only five or six small bass and got home to tea.

Wednesday 25. My father and Mr. Sawyer drove over to the cemetery after breakfast and I walked over. From there they drove down back of the Post farm and I followed. We left the house and walked through the tunnel and over the bridge and half a mile down the 

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