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track. It was the first time my father had been on the bridge and they were both very interested in their visit to it. This afternoon Mr & Mrs Sawyer, Mary and I drive over the S. Rondout ferry around by Capt. Anderson's to the river road and back by Sleigh's ferry. It has been a little warmer today but the N. wind continues and the temperature is delightful. Downing had a short letter from Booth returning Edwinas letters. I have had a talk with Downing this evening and I feel I fortify and strengthen him. He is reasonable and manly and shows himself capable of bearing a severe strain.

Thursday July 26" 1883. Partly packed my trunk to see if I could get all my things in in anticipation of hearing from Whittredge who was to start yesterday or today. This afternoon Mr. Sawyer, Downing and I went up to the Union Station to see the people go to the mountains. We returned by Jacobs Valley and across by the cemetery. It was pretty warm but has been cool this evening. A letter from Eastman who is still in N.Y. attending to repairs on his house. It is raining now as I write.

Friday 27. Went down town this forenoon and afterwards employed myself clearing up the road in front of the house. Mr. Sawyer, my father and I measured the height of the N. S. Bridge. I from above while they were below. We found it 156 feet from the water at about high tide to the top of the ties on which the racks rest. It has even warm today but cool in the shade and is still ideal weather. Bowyer came up tonight and he and Downing are going out to see Julia tomorrow. No news from Whittredge.

Saturday 28. It rained this morning but Mr & Mrs. Saywer left by the 6.40 N.S. train. It was not raining when they left and looked as though it would clear up. Bowyer came up by the N.S. train last night and he and Downing went out to see Julia at Potters Hollow in the N. & D. road via Grand Gorge Shortly after Mr and Mrs. Sawyer left I got word from the Freeman Office that the shawl Mrs. Sawyer lost on Sunday while we were riding had been found on the Flat bush road. I went down and got it and paid the finder, a German who could not speak English a dollar for his trouble. A postal card came from Whittredge from Walton Del. Co. saying he was going to Delhi yesterday and perhaps to Stamford or Deans Corner and might be here tonight but he would not stop anywhere near Port Jervis. I went up to the Union Station thinking he might come down in the afternoon train from the mountains but he did not. While I was there the Philadelphia Express an hour and a half behind time came with ten or eleven cars, one of them the Presidents private car with Genl. Porter and Genl. Winslow on their way to the mountains. The station presented a very busy appearance with the arrival and departure of the trains, two for the mountains, one with 9 cars, three of them parlor cars, one train from Albany, one to N.Y. and one by Wallkill Valley. I have just received a card from Whittredge saying he is at Stamford and will come to Deans and stay

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-22 20:46:02 The ferry talked about was actually the Sleighburg Ferry, but he called it Sleigh's Ferry.