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Monday August 27, 1883. Calvert and I drove down to Manchester at Steep Rocks to see Mrs. Columbus Van Deusen for whom he is designing a house. It has been like an October day and this evening we have had a fire in the dining room. I have been at work fixing my sketch box and my umbrella staff all the afternoon. Downing and I are contemplating camping out for a while in Mink Hollow behind the overlook. We are going out there next week or the latter part of this and if I find the brook interesting as I think it is we will go there for a while. Calvert returned to N.Y. this evening. I wish he could have a little vacation for he so thoroughly enjoys the country. Yesterday I wrote to Miss McCoy of West Virginia to whom I loaned some studies last year and from whom I got a long letter the day I came home. I feel very sorry for the poor girl but could not give her much practical advice. Today I had a letter from Nick Nesmith from Mass.

Tuesday 28. The same autumnal temperature.  There was frost in many places last night.  Have been at work all day reframing my sketching umbrella and making a new sketching stool. Sara went up to High Falls this morning by the 7 oclk train to be gone several days. She felt the need of a little rest and recreation. She bears her confinement and her many duties heroically and I wish I could give her some recreation and entertainment. I think my mother decidedly improved and I am strongly in hopes she may get about again. She is in better spirits and laughs a great deal, her voice is stronger and she looks brighter and can move her hand and her leg considerably - My satchel was returned to me with all its contents today and I have written to Mrs. Hoffman to find out who found it.

Wednesday 29. Mary and I went down town this morning to make some purchases. Just as we started Toby acted a little frisky when Mary jumped out of the wagon and hurt her foot so that she is very lame. I finished my camp stool and prepared some canvases over at my studio. Julia and Harry Donelson came from Potters Hollow by the N & D. rail road. Marion went to New York from there. How many times I have thought of dear Gertrude today. I have looked into her work box and there are all her work materials just as she left them. Many times a day a tide of sweet sorrow sweeps over me as I couple her dear presence with some trifle which once was hers. What would my life be without the sacred memories of her who so entirely fills my ideal of womanhood. All women I ever meet I instantly compare with her who must forever stand for me the peer of all.

Thursday 30. It has been a little warmer today.  Downing, Julia, Harry and I walked out to the river. I have a boil coming on my hip now just as Downing and I want to make our camping arrangements 

Transcription Notes:
Previous transcriptions interpret this name as "Downing" so I have used that, but otherwise I would have listed it as [[D ? ing]]. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-23 20:51:56 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-23 21:41:16 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-24 09:27:09 .