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did not come until 9 o'clock. They got one side of the wood house shingled and will finish tomorrow. I went over to my studio and worked most interestedly on my little figure all day. I did not succeed in making it as good as the sketch but I will I am sure. Downing and Sara called at Mrs. Carmells this evening. They were talking about Mr. Doremus who was married to one of Fred Stevens daughters today.  She is a young girl and he is sixty at least. Major Carmell said that reminded him of a letter he had just received. It was from Old Major Mapes informing him that his wife died two years ago (it must have occurred shortly after he was here) and he had just married a lady of 43 his age being 86. They were going into a speculation of establishing a health resort at some mineral springs. He said she had some means but he wrote to the Major for a loan of $300.

Thursday Oct. 25 1883. Painted all day on my picture but so far I did not set the expression of my study, but I hope to. It has been a pleasant day but cool. The carpenters finished the wood house and are shingling another institution. They have the old shingles all off and it is raining now. Had a notice from the Detroit Exhibition that my picture of Mt. Katahdin is sold for catalogue price which was either 400 or $450. It was bought by a Miss Godfrey. Wrote to Miss Nesmith two days ago and sent it today. Wrote to Calvert, to Julia Dillon, to Grady & McKesser who sent my Nat. McGregor picture to Atlanta without my permission. Unfortunately it was there last year. I also wrote to Mr. Bradley of Atlanta in charge of the exhibition.
Friday 26. The carpenters came again today but it has been raining a part of the time. I set them to making boxes for Booth's things which I wrote him this evening I would send down on Wednesday by "City of Springfield" I have worked all day in my studio painting a part of the time on the figure and getting in the flowers, the old house and the trees. The expression baffles me so far but with the study before me I must succeed.

Saturday 27. It has been a grey, misty day. I worked in my studio all forenoon and forwarded my picture painting in the Hollyhocks and the wall &c. I am getting it together and then shall take the greatest pleasure in refining it. I think I work with much more certainty than I did a year ago. This afternoon I helped the carpenter pack Booth's things for which he had made the boxes. Nearly all the things at the house are packed but the statues &c down at the barn have to be attended to and he is to come again on Monday. A nice letter from Mr. Sawyer written by himself sharing he again has the use of his eyes. A note from Grady & Mr Kramer attempting to explain but all they could say was that not hearing from me they thought they were serving my interests in sending my picture.

Sunday 28" It has been a very quiet, misty day and the river has been perfectly placid all day. I painted on my mother's portrait and improved it. Downing and Grant have been off all day

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-23 14:15:19