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Dr Magee to whom I sent a note asking him to conduct the services came up as did also Jane Decker to whom my dear mother had been most kind in her struggles and Julia Rockafeller. Mrs. Ned Tomkins and her daughter. Calvert came up by the evening train and Downing met him. I had two or three hours sleep in my room and will sleep on the sofa in the sitting tonight. We took Calvert in to see my mother. She looks so sweet and so peaceful and so young with her pretty brown hair and a look of complete rest upon her face. These changes of expression which the human face undergoes after death are very strange. Several times today I have forgotten she is gone and felt my solicitude for her, walking carefully by her room not to disturb her. I sent a notice of her death to Bonyer to put into the Tribune and took one to the Freeman which appeared this evening. It has been a restful day of brooding skies. My father Mary and I went over to the cemetery to mark the place for her grave and see about having it dug. Sara was to have gone along but Mrs. Stringham came over she wanted to consult her on some things. Pa drove over while Mary and I walked and we went over to the view before we returned. The petunias on dear Gertrudes grave are still green and one was in blossom. 

Sunday Nov 4" 1883. I did not retire until after midnight sitting in the sitting room alone and often going in to look at my dear mother who lies so still and peaceful where we laid her the night she died. I slept on the sofa in the sitting room and rested well. This morning I went in again to look at my mother. She looked so young with her pretty brown hair and her placid restful expression that I determined to try to get a sketch of her. I have painted all day but have not succeeded. I had to sit in a dark place and could hardly see what I was doing. How sweetly she looked, an expression on her face that was not of earth. Just as dear Gertrudes face was transfigured after death. My mother did not look to be more than forty five years old. No one would take her for an old lady, but I could not catch that subtle expression. I wish I could there was something so very beautiful in it. It has been a mild beautiful day and I have hardly been out of doors. Calvert and Downing and Grant and Park went to the top of Hussys hill. A number 

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