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A letter from Sara. Henck a friend of Burgers from Berlin was at dinner. We all went to Dalys theatre to see Girls and Boys. Did not amount to much. Letter from Mr. James Wood from Mt. Kisco written for Mrs. Dr. Pelton to whom I wrote from our camp. Showed Wood and Hubbard my studies. They seemed to think them very good and that I had been industrious

Tuesday [[strikethrough]]November[[/strikethrough]] December 11th 1883. Fuller & Mr. Sill a friend of his called. Shattuck came to my studio in the evening. Showed me a patent stretcher he has invented which I think is excellent. Clark the carpenter came to see about doing some work for me. Julia Vaux came and we walked home together

[[strikethrough]]Wednesday[[/strikethrough]] Thursday 13. Marion came over and had lunch with me at Silsbees. Two ladies called to ask me for my photograph to send down to Gilbert Saul who is in Tennessee. Did not know the lady but she seemed to think I did. The weather remains very mild and a fire in my bedroom is uncomfortable. Called on Miss Nesmith. 

Wednesday 12  Painted a little on my picture which was at Springfield last year. Reichardt came in and looked at my studies.  He seemed anxious to renew business relations with me but I was a little offish and diplomatic. Wanted me to paint him pictures 16 x 21 for $125 which he says is what James Hart paints them for. I declined and he offered me 150 and I finally agreed to paint him two on condition that he would ask $350 for them. Calvert, Marion, Julia and I went to Niblos to see the ballet "Excelsior" which was very good

Friday 14  Carpenter came and put up the strips on my walls to hang my pictures and studies to. I followed after him and painted them. Got my room in disorder again but even straightened it out after the carpenter finished. Went to an auction sale of miscellaneous articles. Some Eastern rugs are to be sold tomorrow.  Calvert and I went to the Grand opera home to see Kate Claxton in the "Two Orphans."  Sat much too far away to hear well; but it was well played by a very good company. Very cold when we came home.

Saturday 15.  Attended the auction sale this morning.  The rugs went at very low prices as did most of the articles.  I bought four rugs one very fine one.  Came home by N.S. train Calvert coming along.  Bitterly cold.  John, Nannie and Ettie and Girard and his wife came up.  Are to form a family reading circle.  This the first meeting.  Did not get to bed until 1 o'clock

Sunday 16.  Painted a little on the two little pictures of my mother for Lucy and gilded the frames so as to send them to her tomorrow. Sara came and called me at 6 o'clock saying some one was ringing the door bell. We expected Tom McEntee so dead sleepy as I was I got up and went down stairs in the cold but found no one at either door or about the place. Went back to bed but was soon called again.  Got up and found Tom who had come on a with a night train.  He and Calvert took a walk while I worked on the little pictures this

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-24 17:49:14 the third [?] might be Suns ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-26 10:37:58 Can't figure out one name. I have seen the name mentioned at the top, but can't remember what it was. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-26 11:49:58 Updated Boston (after [[B?ers?]] to Berlin. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-23 13:55:46