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meeting. Marbury anxious to meet the emergency by a rigorous policy which is my feeling now having exhausted all means towards an adjustment. Mr. Gordon is to retire from the board.  He told me he is to retire from business, sell out every thing and go to England.  I tried to express to him my sincere regret, for I have the highest esteem for him.

Friday Dec. 21st 1883. Snowed last night and still snowing. Painted on my figure and am getting it well toward completion. Miss Pierce of Philadelphia called. I promised to call on her this evening. Miss Teale called. Went up to Dr. Longstreets after dinner and called on Miss Pierce and Mrs. Longstreet. They talked of Downing and Edwina, but I was careful and guarded as I always have been on that subject to people outside our family. A note from Barth apologising for not coming. Cleared off cold. Snow deep and good sleighing.

Saturday 22. Walked down Broadway to find a travelling hat. Painted on my figure and came home by 4.50 N.S train. The Pa. rail road station was crowded with people and our train was late and very crowded. The night was bitterly cold. Had a little discussion with the conductor on ventilation. He was going to shut all the ventilators against which I protested, told him if he did I would open my window. We compromised on leaving some of them open. He gave me an impertinent answer when I asked him at first to open some of the ventilators. Glad enough not to have to cross the Rhinebeck ferry this bitter night. Tom met me with the sleigh. 

Sunday 23. This morning at 8 o'clock the mercury on our back porch marked 12 degrees below 0. And it has not been up to that point (0) all day although the sun has shone all day. It is six below tonight with a thick atmosphere indicating snow. I packed a box to send to Alice with a little present for Mr. and Mrs. Sawyer. I sent Alice the Japanese box I bought at auction. Spent a good part of the day marking my Christmas presents and getting them ready. The box with the pictures of my mother must be pretty near to Lucy by this time.

Monday 24. It snowed considerably during the night and has rained a little today and the temperature has gone up 32 degrees since Saturday morning. The river is frozen over and the ferry boat has a track through the ice but now that I travel by the West Shore road I am not so interested in the state of the ice. I wrote a long letter to Nett. Sterling today telling her about my mothers illness and death and something about poor Maurice. About 4 o'clock Park and I took a walk out beyond the cemetery. I saw a man driving towards the cemetery with an ominous box in his sleigh and later I saw him about leaving it down among the "single graves" Some poor mortal to be put away under the snow and perhaps few to lament. The walking was very difficult for the snow was at least

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