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He defended himself with spirit and I urged him to keep away from them to which he would not promise, but adhered to his right to demand of them, together if they preferred, a meeting and a hearing. I confess I could not help seeing a sense of justice in this while I advised as a more dignified course to let time be his vindicator, and so we went to our respective beds.

Thursday Dec. 27, 1883. Downing and I breakfasted together and talked this subject over with the same result and the same determination on his part to guard his own reputation, and I came down to town feeling better, for I found he had done something hastily and which was not capable of defense. Stopped in and told Julia the result of my trip and reassured her. Calvert had gone. Saw Mary, who knows nothing of this. She says she is much better today. Came to my room. A dark rainy day with the city buried in snow. Booth came as he wrote me in his note he would, and we had a long talk in which he was friendly and reasonable. I talked very plainly and with entire friendship, which I honestly feel, and I said some things I have wanted to say to him. He staid more than two hours. I found he thought all the Vaux family hostile, said that Edwina had never received Julias letter from Potters Hollow, and I did my best to remove hard and erroneous impressions. He did not like it when I told him it was plain they had been influenced by others, but I told him this was quite natural and I only alluded to it to try to correct false impressions. I told him we had been loyal and friendly and charitable towards him, and were still and I think he cant help respecting our course in this unpleasant business. He did not ask me to come to his house, but when I expressed a desire to see him play said he would send me tickets for any night I wished and so next week I am to let him know. He is my old friend and I am his and mean to be to the end.- Received an invitation to a reception at a private view of Clarkes pictures in aid of a fund for prizes at the Academy for the best figure pictures, but it is a rainy, horrible night and besides I am tired and sick and have no sympathy with the idea of prizes for best pictures. I think it unwise and fruitful of bitterness and discontent. Have had a headache all day from anxiety and lack of quiet. Came to my room and wrote a note to Downing and went to bed early. 

Friday 28th When I awoke this morning the wind was blowing from the N.W. and it was bitterly cold and has been all day. Have worked all day without a single interruption. Have about completed one of Reichardts pictures and tomorrow hope to begin the other. This afternoon painted a little winter twilight, a recollection of something I saw from the car window the last time I went home. Came to my room early and wrote to Mrs. Weir. Wrote to Eastman last night asking him to go home with me Monday. 

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