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had my hair cut. Paid Mayer for putting the cutter in order and arranged to have the wagon put in complete order. 100 Leaders which I ordered with the obituary notice of my mother, came. At home the rest of the day and came to town with the 4.40 train. Very cold. The train was a little late and leaving my satchel at the studio went directly to the Century where the Trustees meeting was already convened. We made the arrangements to sit at a court to investigate the Newton Case. Laurence the chairman of the House Committee requested to come before the board to make a report on the revenues of the bar since the discharge of Hearn the steward. His showing in the face of it was very prejudicial to Hearn and complicates this most vexing question. Mr. Oakley failed to shake his statements. It was midnight before we adjourned not having eaten anything since dinner I got some supper after a long time. Invited Eastman to go home with me Saturday and he has accepted. Got to bed at 1.

Tuesday Jan 22" 1884. Still intensely cold. Awoke with a headache. Ordered a suit of clothes at Castors, for $30. Going to economize. My picture "Telling the Bees" went to Gills exhibition in Springfield today. I sat in my chair nearly all day making a few efforts to paint but to little purpose. My headache arrived in the afternoon and gradually disappeared. To the club in the evening. Bradford told me of the death of the young Earl Grosvenor who bought my picture in the Academy this spring. Perry reported all sorts of vexatious delays in getting out the Art Union Journal, but thinks all is promising now.

Wednesday 23. Weather mild and the streets wet and disagreeable. Worked all day on my picture from one of my Mink Hollow studies. The young man from the Art Union came in and told me a gentleman had taken a fancy to my "Upland farm" in the gallery and wanted him to find out if I would take anything under my price for it. I told him he might have it for $250. Went to hear Cable read at Chicking Hall. He has a flat, disagreeable pronunciation, immense confidence and did not attract me. Still part of his reading was very interesting notably where he describes Narcisse going off to the war. I have not read any of his stories and so am not competent to justly estimate him. Went to the club a short time. The reception to President Arthur at the Union League Club occurred this evening. I had an invitation but did not go.

Thursday 24. It has rained hard all day. I have been at work on my large picture and I think improved it. Hullan who came in seemed much pleased with it and said he thought it very original and interesting. At 4óclock, still raining I went up to Stunney hall and attended a memorial musical service in memory of Julius Halgarten, given by the Philharmonic Society. They played a fugue by Bach, Beethovens funeral march and Siegfrieds death by Wagner. The music was superb and most beautifully rendered under the direction of Theodore Thomas. Mr Adler made a short address. Went to the club in the evening and had a talk with Nash and McDonough. Both were much impressed by Laurences report as I confess I was. 

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