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what obscured. After dinner, Mary, Sara, Mrs. Swan, Mary Girard Calvert and I took a ride down around the River road to Flatbush crossing over to the Saugerties road and home. The roads were wet but good sleighing.  A great many people on the river skating and with ice boats. The moonlight this evening was most beautiful.   

Monday Feb. 11" 1884. It was snowing this morning when Calvert and I left by 7:40 train but grew foggy and thick as we approached the city where more snow had fallen than at home. Prepared some canvases after I reached here. Wood came in feeling as I do, very discouraged about the Art Union. We are both inclined to advise closing it up. We have gone too fast and in spite of my feeling to go slowly. Went up to Eastman Johnsons after dinner. Mrs. Johnson called out to me from her room to stay as she was going to have a "few friends" which was enough to scare me. Found Eastman in his studio with a shade over his eyes, just cleaning his palette. He had been painting by gas light. Said he had only just heard of this party. Hadnt had his dinner yet (it was then after 8'oclock). I talked with him a little while and stole away after speaking with Miss Mullany, just as the guests were beginning to come. I don't dare go there any more for fear of running into something. It rained and was most disagreeable. I went to the Century and Henry Ward Buchers address on Wendell Phillips. Buchers power is in saying what he believes regardless of criticism and that the integrity of his utterances disarms criticism. I think him a very great man in many respects.

Tuesday 12. The weather continues most disagreeable, sleet and fog and mud day after day. I painted a little foggy winter picture of Hussey Hill. Attended a meeting of the Art Union. Shattuck [[saying?]] our scheme is likely to fail sent in his resignation but we laid it on the table. There were present Huntington, Nord, Dilman Farrer Perry & myself, Chud Shattuck, Johnson (gone to Philadelphia Bristol, Sherlaw, Bierstadt, Beard. We voted to shut the gallery which no one attends and send the pictures home and decided not to incur any further indebtedness after issuing the March No. of the Journal unless we got decidedly more encouragement in the way of subscriptions. We were all of [[?]] mind. Huntington who was made president while he was in Europe and might consistently have declined very generously volunteered to sustain his share of any loss we may incur. Bristol and Shattuck have not ever taken a dollar of stock although I presume either of them is better able to than I am. The Newton trial began at the Century this evening. Newton was there with his counsel Tracy and Vanderpool. [[Mark?]] conducted the examination of Hearn who was promptly on hand with his books and papers and bore himself well through a severe cross examination from Mr. Tracy. We adjourned until next Tuesday. Sara came down yesterday and is at Calverts.

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