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perpetuity of the Museum of Art.

Friday Feb. 22" 1884 A bright, beautiful day and a public holiday. The funeral of the lost Arctic explorers took place. I repainted the sky in my cliff picture. Dined with some of the artists at Martinellis after which a few of us went to the club and had an interesting talk. Got to bed late. Wrote to Mr. Gordon in acknowledgement of his generous gift.

Saturday 23. Went home. It had rained nearly all day but grew colder and snowed when I left. Calvert went on the same train but I did not see him until we arrived at Kingston. It was pretty cold when we arrived there but the storm was over. Found Sade had sent Annie Burns away and got a little German girl, Francis, in her place. I was sorry to have Annie go for she was a smart active child but with Gypsey blood in her veins and proved too hard for Sara to manage. Calvert and I went down to John McEntees after supper. Sara was going but Gussie had one of her attacks of fainting and she gave up going. I am troubled about Gussie. These attacks suggest paralysis to me. We had a pleasant time at Johns. Esther & Joanna were there beside themselves.

Sunday 24. Bright cold day with the wind from the N. Calvert and I took a long walk down the point road up through the Cement Co's woods over back of Manchesters and through the woods to the road just beyond the Roatina following the road home. I wrote to Mrs. Pelton. My father was not well this morning having slept cold but felt better after he got up.

Monday 25 Left home for N.Y. by the early train. Calvert came with me. Reached my studio at 11.30 and after lunch went to work on a little picture of an effect I saw in the Highlands but I did not make much of it. Called on Mrs. Anderson and Miss Nesmith in the evening. It snowed a little when I left home. The river is open to Pokeepsie but on Sunday they were sailing an ice-boat and skating on the river at Steep Rocks. It rained this evening when I came to my room.

Tuesday 26". Painted on my cliff picture. At 4'oclock attended an Art Union meeting. Shattuck and Bristol and Bierstadt uniformly keep away. The prospect is more encouraging and we have received a hundred subscribers the past week. We voted to issue the March No. of the Journal on a showing that the expenses would not be more than $300 above the income. Bierstadt and Huntington agreed to loan $250 each to the Society. We all feel encouraged. Attended the G. B. dinner at Purcells. The usual company present with the addition of Commander Goninge. Rained in the afternoon.

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